I swear what is the big *beep* deal with this guy! Did he ever do anything else with his life? As far as im concered this guy is a big cry baby who's whole entire purpose for living was to play for Notre Dame. I swear this guy is nothing but a loser and failure at life. You can sya he made something from his life with this story, but you know what? There are guys all over the damn country giving the same pathetic speech, except its their story and not his. The only reason why they made it about him was because its Notre Dame and thats a completly over rated school. Anyway, the story is just plain stupid! Anyone who cries at this movie is just like Rudy, big cry babies! I swear the only thing that saved this movie any good, was that it was perfectly casted and the message was clear, "Dreams Come True!" The only thing they left out was that this wasnt even a whole dream come true. Once again, The only thing that was good about the movie was the cast and message.



Is that you Joe Montana?


OP - If nothing else Rudy Ruettiger has left his stamp on life and will be remembered fondly by hundreds of thousands of people, whereas someone with your attitude will be easily forgotten and remain trivial to all but your momma.


I would disagree with you that Notre Dame is an over rated school...unless you are only talking about Notre Dame's football team.

But the only people that I know that liked the movie are females, and high school football players.

I enjoyed the movie in high school, but after growing up, I find the movie to be stupid. What made him so special? That he never quit? His teammates did not quit. The players on the other teams never quit.


I thought the Rudy haters might appreciate this.

December 17, 2011
SEC Tackles 'Rudy' in Fraud Case
By Andrew Ackerman

WASHINGTON — The inspirational 1993 movie "Rudy" celebrates Daniel Ruettiger as a plucky underdog who overcomes long odds and his diminutive stature to earn a walk-on role on Notre Dame's legendary college-football team.

But in a settlement announced on Friday, the Securities and Exchange Commission casts Mr. Ruettiger in a far less heroic light—as a key participant in a so-called pump-and-dump stock scheme that generated more than $11 million in allegedly illicit profits for a now-defunct beverage company, Rudy Nutrition.

"Investors were lured into the scheme by Mr. Ruettiger's well-known, feel-good story but found themselves in a situation that did not have a happy ending," said Scott Friestad, associate director of the SEC's division of enforcement.

The company made and sold a sports drink called "Rudy" with the tagline "Dream Big! Never Quit!" But the SEC charged that Mr. Ruettiger and 12 others made false and misleading statements about their company in news releases, SEC filings and promotional materials during 2008 in a scheme to lure investors, inflate the stock price and then sell their shares at a profit.

For instance, a letter to potential investors falsely claimed that in "a major southwest test, Rudy outsold Gatorade 2 to 1!" the SEC said in its complaint.

"The tall tales in this elaborate scheme included phony taste tests and other false information that was used to convince investors they were investing in something special," Mr. Friestad said.

The pitch worked. In less than a month, the stock went from trading 720 shares a day to more than three million shares, and within two weeks its price climbed from 25 cents to $1.05 a share.

Mr. Ruettiger, who lives in Las Vegas, agreed to pay $382,866 to settle the SEC's charges without admitting or denying them—giving up his profits of $185,750 and paying a fine of $185,750 and interest. Ten other individuals also agreed to pay penalties to settle the SEC charges.

Neither Mr. Ruettiger nor his attorney could be reached for comment.

Mr. Ruettiger and a college friend founded the original company, called Rudy Beverage Inc., in South Bend, Ind. In Oct. 2007, the company moved to Las Vegas, where it struggled financially with a small number of customers, few assets and no profits, the complaint said.

In late 2007, Mr. Ruettiger and the company's president hired an experienced penny-stock promoter to orchestrate a public distribution of company stock. With the help of a disbarred California attorney, they orchestrated a so-called reverse merger with a dormant public company and turned Rudy Beverage into the publicly traded Rudy Nutrition by Feb. 2008, the complaint said.

In addition to false and misleading promotions, the SEC said the scheme's participants manipulated the trading of the company's stock using brokerage accounts in the name of offshore entities to make investor interest appear stronger than it actually was. The SEC says the group used the accounts of a series of Panamanian entities to manipulate the stock.

The agency is still pursuing litigation against stock promoters Pawel Dynkowski of Poland and Chad Smanjak of South Africa, who allegedly made about $4.2 million off the scheme that they deposited into Panamanian accounts the SEC couldn't trace. The two promoters couldn't immediately be reached for comment and the SEC said there are no known attorneys for them. Agency officials believe they aren't in the U.S.

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List me your life accomplishments...


Notre Dame is not an over rated school.

But I do agree with everything else. Rudy was not anything "special".

He worked his butt of to first be accepted into Notre Dame, than he work his butt off to make the football team, and than he never gave up. But guess what, I am sure a lot of people in the world works their butts off to achieve their dreams. Working your butt off to get something you want is something a lot of people do in real life everyday.
