I swear what is the big *beep* deal with this guy! Did he ever do anything else with his life? As far as im concered this guy is a big cry baby who's whole entire purpose for living was to play for Notre Dame. I swear this guy is nothing but a loser and failure at life. You can sya he made something from his life with this story, but you know what? There are guys all over the damn country giving the same pathetic speech, except its their story and not his. The only reason why they made it about him was because its Notre Dame and thats a completly over rated school. Anyway, the story is just plain stupid! Anyone who cries at this movie is just like Rudy, big cry babies! I swear the only thing that saved this movie any good, was that it was perfectly casted and the message was clear, "Dreams Come True!" The only thing they left out was that this wasnt even a whole dream come true. Once again, The only thing that was good about the movie was the cast and message.



ajblake64, although I did not like the way you expressed your opinions, you do make a valid point.

At one time, this movie was my favorite sports movie because I believe that all of it was true. Then when I learned about fictional characters and incidents that were inserted for dramatic effect in this movie, that disappointed me. Then after reading your comments, I realize how I had overrated this movie.

Anyone want to purchase a Rudy DVD and a used box of Kleenex?



your trouble with this film i that he is a cry baby so you come on here and cry about it? talk about the pot calling the kettle black. if you did not like the film then why didnt you just turn it off?
your missing the point of this film. its another version of rocky. rocky is a no one that gets to get in the ring with the best boxer of all time and he lasted till the end.

" ajblake64
I swear what is the big *beep* deal with this guy! Did he ever do anything else with his life? As far as im concered this guy is a big cry baby who's whole entire purpose for living was to play for Notre Dame. I swear this guy is nothing but a loser and failure at life. You can sya he made something from his life with this story, but you know what? There are guys all over the damn country giving the same pathetic speech, except its their story and not his. The only reason why they made it about him was because its Notre Dame and thats a completly over rated school. Anyway, the story is just plain stupid! Anyone who cries at this movie is just like Rudy, big cry babies! I swear the only thing that saved this movie any good, was that it was perfectly casted and the message was clear, "Dreams Come True!" The only thing they left out was that this wasnt even a whole dream come true. Once again, The only thing that was good about the movie was the cast and message. "



But is has a good message,NEVER let anyone tell you, you cant do something or your not good enough or not smart enough you have to look at them in the face and ay *beep* you and go for. it.



Holy sh!t! The OP drinks so much hater-ade that he ought to be a professional. A few things about this stand-up person:

1) Despite his rampant bashing and hating (out of complete jealousy), he fails to mention the fact that I can almost guarantee (that by his apparent definition) that he is likely a bigger FAILURE than Rudy ever could be. This guy's perception of success is so far out of whack that it's probably a given that he was in Pres. Bush's cabinet.

2) The OP views "just two plays" as the measure of Rudy's success... while missing the point of the entire movie... which is that hard work, commitment and resolve can make one's dreams come true.

3) This guy is clearly convinced that all successes in life, around the world, must be ratified by he and he alone. In the OP's eyes, Rudy must seek his very approval and verification of success. Without that, he (and everyone else) fails in life and is a loser.

4) The poster is clearly one of those unfortunate degenerates that plague society with everlasting pessimism, hate and jealous rage... someone who could never respect or commend another human being on their accomplishments, because quite frankly, they make his lackluster accolades look meager and thoroughly underwhelming. Thus, his reaction is hate.

5)The OP is unintelligent in making a cohesive argument and backing it with solid facts and meritorious proof. Instead, he opts for words like "pathetic," "loser" and failure... words that are FAR better suited to describe his own life rather than Ruettiger's.

6)OP gets to make the end-all be-all determination about people whom he has never met, based on whether or not they were moved by this movie. If others don't match his own critical and demeaning viewpoints... or if they simply, unlike he, aren't devoid of a soul... then they are clearly failures and pathetic as well.

7) All schools, programs and sporting organizations in the world are subject to his approval regarding whether they are overrated or underrated.

8) The OP pollutes mankind with his hateful and jealousy-filled existence and is completely incapable of seeing good in anyone except himself... though he himself is a total and repulsive degenerate, a type that the world population would love to rid the planet of.

In summary, he who assumes the incredibly creative and prideful name of 'ajblake64' is a despicable human being and should absolutely be avoided by others in all of his presences, physical and by proxy, at all costs.


Wow, lyle! Aren't you going just a wee-bit over the top with your scathing condemnation of the OP? Sure, he's been a jerk, but I don't think he's the scum of the earth or anything!

Granted, there ARE some IMDb users who deserve a much worse assessment than you've made of ajblake64; and I'd like to catch future post of yours bringing THOSE trolls down a few pegs, 'steada using the equivalent of bazookas on flies with aj!

Secret Message, HERE!-->CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've discovered the Secret Message!


First of all, I like the movie (the scene where he's playing football with his brothers in the snow was filmed in my hometown) but let's be real. Would we even know this tale if he hadn't gotten in for that one play? I think the problem with Dave was that his goals were established for the wrong reasons. He doesn't want to go to ND for the education, he wants to go so he can run down the tunnel and prove his brother and dad wrong.His pleas to Parsegian and then Devine reinforce this. So, would he have considered his time there a waste if the tunnel thing hadn't happened? He could have attended Joliet Community College and gone on to a state school if education was the goal. Whatever you want to say his motivation, to me, was self-aggrandizement. Lucky for him a Janitor was around to show him the error of his thinking.
I am a teacher so I do understand the value of education but to act as though it guarantees success is naive or ignorant. In 1981 I left my job as a pipefitter in an oil refinery and eventually got my degree and became a teacher. The poor, uneducated boobs I left behind at the refinery make at least 20 % more annually than I do.
I also feel that their is an indictment of private schools in this film. It was his school's lack of diagnostic specialists that allowed Rudy to be classed as a mental defective with no hope of going to college. He wasn't retarded, he was dyslexic but nobody at Joliet Catholic was able to figure this out.


"So, would he have considered his time there a waste if the tunnel thing hadn't happened?"

I thought his last conversation with Fortune near the end of the film pretty much dealt with this issue, and showed him grow as a character. I agree that for much of his life, he just wanted to play football there and say he went there. I don't know if I'd call that "self-agrandizement" (its not like he thought he was better than anyone else, he just thought he was better than what everyone else thought of him), but it is a little misguided.

At the same time though, wanting to go to Notre Dame, and not a state school, doesn't say to me he didn't care at all about education. If he hadn't gotten into ND, I don't know they he would've given up on getting a 4-year degree from somewhere, once he got over the disappointment. Fortune's conversation w/ him at the end about him not making the dress team could've just as easily been about him not getting into Notre Dame at all, if he hadn't. He showed he could get over not dressing, so I don't see why he couldn't have gotten over not making it into the school, and still gone on and did something more with his life.


ajblake64, you obviously didn't attend ND or your grammar would be a lot better. Did you go to any college? Did you try to better yourself in *any* way?

What's that line about he who casts the first stone?


ajblake64, you obviously didn't attend ND or your grammar would be a lot better. Did you go to any college? Did you try to better yourself in *any* way?

What's that line about he who casts the first stone?

BTW, you contradict yourself in your last sentence.


ajblake64, you obviously didn't attend ND or your grammar would be a lot better. Did you go to any college? Did you try to better yourself in *any* way?

What's that line about he who casts the first stone?

BTW, you contradict yourself in your last sentence.
