I swear what is the big *beep* deal with this guy! Did he ever do anything else with his life? As far as im concered this guy is a big cry baby who's whole entire purpose for living was to play for Notre Dame. I swear this guy is nothing but a loser and failure at life. You can sya he made something from his life with this story, but you know what? There are guys all over the damn country giving the same pathetic speech, except its their story and not his. The only reason why they made it about him was because its Notre Dame and thats a completly over rated school. Anyway, the story is just plain stupid! Anyone who cries at this movie is just like Rudy, big cry babies! I swear the only thing that saved this movie any good, was that it was perfectly casted and the message was clear, "Dreams Come True!" The only thing they left out was that this wasnt even a whole dream come true. Once again, The only thing that was good about the movie was the cast and message.



... Must be a Michigan fan or something...

"Why sooooo serious"


I'm no fan of Notre Dame, but the OP fails to note that Rudy DID get a degree while he was there. So you really ought to temper your rabid criticism with some fairness.

This movie covers his overcoming of adversity on the ACADAMIC, as well as the EXTRACURRICULAR (i.e., football) level.

Taking potshots at the real-world Rudy ain't cool, either. Why trash talk him just because he isn't the ONLY one who's made a career of giving inspirational speeches? There's always room for more role models and inspational speakers to make their public appearances, make commencement speeches at graduation ceremonies, etc.

So, I'm afraid calling the guy "a crybaby and a failure" and pretty much the rest of what you wrote in your defamatory post is cock-eyed logic on your part, Mister OP.


I say the only thing I like about you so far is that you dislike Notre Dame. Anyway the point is he didnt do anything after he graduated from ND. So I guess that would make him as i said before, "A failure!" Another thing, it was only two *beep* plays, get the hell over it, thats not success its pathetic.


So, what do you know of Rudy Ruettiger's life, then, aj, subsequent to his graduation and receipt of a degree?

You know, I have a 15 year old nephew who's an Asperger's Syndrome kid. He got a lot out of the lessons taught in Rudy. He has certain neurological disabilities, lack of motor skills, etc., that will be with him for the rest of his life; but it's stories like the one told in "Rudy" that drive home the point that dedication and hard work will always pay off, one way or another. Since he's got a flair for mathematics, it's almost a given that he'll be plying that skill in, perhaps, engineering or accounting; but a little shot in the arm, learning the moral of the story of "Rudy," sure won't hurt my nephew!

Remember the climactic scene where Rudy's ex-boss, the janitor, chews him out for thinking about throwing in the towel? He told the kid that, even if he didn't get to fulfill his dream of having just ONE day running through the tunnel, he still enriched himself with all the hard work involved, both in the practice field and in academics. How can you overlook THAT part of the movie in your rampant criticism?

Hey, dude, don't get me wrong, you can think what you want and I ain't out to convert you or any such nonsense. However, public forums being what they are, if you state that A is so, and B is NOT, then you probably oughtta expect other to come along, like Yours Truly, who have a dissenting opinion of the nature of A and B. That's the nature of message boards!


but it's stories like the one told in "Rudy" that drive home the point that dedication and hard work will always pay off, one way or another.

I have a speech impediment and I did not need some lame movie to teach me that dedication and hard work will always pay off, one way or another. My parents taught me that by example.


But you've got one anyway. Double the inspiration.


Anyway the point is he didnt do anything after he graduated from ND.

You can't keep consistent about what you are complaining about. First you say he didn't do anything after graduating, yet you acknowledge that he has made a successful career out of giving inspirational speeches, but want to trivialize that because there are OTHERS who also make a living giving inspirational speeches?

Inspiring people is hardly "doing nothing". First of all, it makes a difference in people's lives. And, he must be skilled at it or he would not still be successful at it after all these years. If he were not good, word of mouth would have gotten around and he wouldn't get hired.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


That's the point I tried to make a couple of posts ago, MTBGF. But I think we're just wasting our words, because it seems by the tone of the OP's posts that all he really wants to do is slam a guy who never hurt anyone and the OP, apparently, has his mind made up to not abandon that agenda. Nice try, though...


Ntm, he was doing the speaking-tour gig for what? 18 years before the movie was even made? Can't say its all b/c of the film.

I'm a huge ND fan, so of course I love this movie and am a little biased. But to the people who don't get it, I always say the same thing. The most important part of this movie is the words that flash on the screen just before the credits, about how all of Rudy's younger siblings went to college and received degrees. No one before him in his family ever even tried to go to college before him. He went, graduated, and his younger siblings followed suit. I'm sure his own kids and his nieces and nephews also probly followed suit. So if nothing else, I think you can really argue that all his hard work literally changed the future course of his family, and quite possibly elevated them to a new social class. So to me the message of the film is clear: Work hard and you can make your own life better as well as the lives of your family/loved ones better. Now, what's a more American ideal than that?


Hear, hear, aerosmith!

Ain't it kinda funny that, no matter who you are and what you do, you'll always have a "peanut gallery" of mockers and gainsayers?



I don't get it, aj--what is it about Rudy Ruettiger that prompts you to dub him "a failure" or "loser?" Why the antipathy? What is your source of animosity toward him? These are honest questions; can you furnish details that back up your assessment of him? I'll admit I don't know that much about the guy, other than how he's portrayed in the movie and in the interview with Ruettiger in the DVD. But doesn't his having led the way for the rest of his family to follow suit by going to college count for SOMETHING?


Oh and to areosmith and MTBGF, why dont you two make my "dream" come true and Burn In Hell!

What is with the bitterness? And you call RUDY the whining little bitch? Look in the mirror. Telling someone to burn in hell for disagreeing with you.

The man is a successful public speaker, yet you say he threw his potential away after graduating. Talk about out of touch with reality. If you're older than about 11, you're showing signs of serious problems.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


To vini, I respect the guy for fighting for what he wanted, its just i hate the fact that everybody is only crediting him despite the fact guys all over the country had the same experience as him and yet everyone only cares about him. this guy isnt any different than any of them. and to MTBGF, public speaking public speaking dosent take potential, even people without a brain stem could do that. And Im also bitter over the fact that people love him despite the fact it was one play! OMG get over it! And Vini I appreciate you listening to what I have to say.


Thanks, aj.

But consider the the notion, if you will, that Notre Dame University, itself, was Rudy's co-star in this picture. It's a decent flick that offers a message of encouragement for anyone going through any kind of struggle, particularly if the odds seem against him to even attend college, let alone join a football practice squad. But another angle, naturally, is the Notre Dame plug. This university probably got PAID to be in a two hour long commercial promoting itself, LOL! That's even better than free advertising!

And while it may rub you the wrong way that someone made a movie out of Rudy Ruettiger's story, it was a successful picture nevertheless. It caught on with the public and the critics liked it too. But no film, no matter how good it may be, is EVERYONE'S cuppa tea, and that goes for "Rudy" too, I suppose.

Another nephew of mine (he's 11) lives in rural poverty in another state and he loved "Rudy," when I showed it to him, and re-watched it several times! It made a positive impression on him and I'm thinking that, out of all his older siblings, he will be the one to go to college someday. (But it doesn't hurt that the kid is a pretty good player on his grade school's football team, either. Future scholarship?)


Yeah but once again man good for your nephews, the fact is there are a whole lot of better movies out there that actually have people becoming successes and they did a ass load more than Rudy did and people for some reason find one football play more inspirational than what teams like the Titans from Remember the Titans, or The Odessa Team from Friday Night Lights. They are a whole lot more inspiration than Rudy, thats what Im trying to say. Once again, the thing about the movie that made it good was the message, and not Rudy Ruettiger! And just so you know I respect your opinions, but Rudy was just a whiner.


I didn't catch Rudy whining THAT much--no moreso than any normal human being. Don't you remember the dressing down he got from the janitor when he started feeling sorry for himself? That chastisement straightened him out, if he was being "whiny," wouldn't you think?

Secret Message, HERE!>CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've discovered the Secret Message!


What exactly did Rudy do with that college degree that he worked so hard for? College is overrated and overpriced. People are brainwashed into thinking that if you graduate from college you are guaranteed a lifetime of success, prosperity, and happiness. You can have all of those things without going to college. Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, and many many others did OK without college degrees.

I'm not trying to put down school. I'm just saying that having a degree isn't the be-all end-all of life.


Of course, you're right about that, patriot, but if even a SMALL majority of degree earners have entered a rewarding career then it's probably a worthwhile thing to pursue.

Also, a college education, even if a degree is earned, may not necessarily lead into the vocation that the student majored in, but it is still valuable in broadening one's intellectual horizons and there's no telling how many direct/indirect/tangible/intangible benefits one may get from it even if he/her finds her/himself working at a job that had little to do with his/her college major.

But I'm speaking as a working stiff who's only taken a couple of courses at a junior college :s

Secret Message, HERE!-->CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've discovered the Secret Message!


MTBGF, public speaking public speaking dosent take potential, even people without a brain stem could do that.

I respectfully disagree. I've seen people (even with brain stems) who were not good at it. Like anything else, there is a wide range of abilities. Doing it well takes skill, and it takes charisma and the ability to connect with the audience, and not everybody has it.

People who do it well make it LOOK easy, so you dismiss as something "even people without a brain stem could do", but it's not easy.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


He makes more money in a year then you will ever see in your life making sandwiches as subway so if he's a loser what does that say for your pathetic life? Not much, now go eat *beep* and die punk.


Damn right to hell with rudy, nudder damn, NBC, catholicism, Domers, irish, and any other off kilter fan of theres.


Well i have to say UW21UCLA16, you're the only one on this message board that i really like. as fro that mrmackay or whatever the hell his name is, you can just suck it!



In reference to your comment about it only being two plays... Doesn't an Olympian win a medal for only one race? That play may have changed his life. And the fact that he showed his younger family and friends that it truly is possible to succeed when you start from behind. One play can mean some peoples future.

Columbus Marathon 2009!
(all in 26.2 miles)



This ajblake64 sure is a total loser. He probably didn't do anything worthwhile in his life.


very honest frustration with this movie, gotta respect that.


Sirtrump... no i don't respect that.

In order to get respect you have to be respectful. That's the exact opposite of the OP jerk.


I respected it, he felt very similar to me on this movie. The movie was pretty dull.


This entire thread is one big lesson in why children should not be on the internet.

Tell me which college you played football at ajblake?

How much money do you make yearly, can you honestly say you compete with making 17 thousand dollars for a giving a single speech?

judging by your literacy skills I can already guess the answers.

Do not pity the warrior, pity instead those who believe nothing is worth fighting for.



Yeah!......and to hell with Babe, that lovable pig a matter of fact hell with any movie that has the main character's name as the title!
