MovieChat Forums > The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) Discussion > Why does every fat emo girl love this mo...

Why does every fat emo girl love this movie?

Oh I forgot you kids call it "scene" these days. In the 90s it was "goth". What else will the fat girls call themselves next?


Just to piss you off.


Why is it so hard for people in this topic to understand that shaun3701 isn't saying that the ONLY people that love this movie are fat emo girls, but rather that every fat emo girl loves this movie? I love this movie and I am a dude and a total jock. Most people like/love this movie, but for some reason the fat emo girls of the world latch onto this movie and buy all of the merchandise. I know this married couple and the chick is like 350 lbs and a total goth girl into bdsm stuff and their house is FILLED with merchandise from this movie.


I think you just described stereotypes hon. I have to admit I am a bit chubby, and no I am not ''emo'' or ''scene'' I consider myself to a bit punkish and I love it because of the animation, music, and Tim Burton. Now if you want here something. My sister who is a middle school teacher, and who is about bright as the sunshine loves this movie.


You seem to be a little hung up about the "fat girl" thing. What happened, did one turn you down and now you're completely bitter and resentful? I'll bet that's what happened.

If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, nobody else wanted them either.


I polled a bunch of 'fat emo girls' and they said they did like the movie...but they thought you were a tool. I didn't even ask about you, it was so odd that they just offered that up.


Unfortunately, the scene can be bifurcated into two separate types as far as women go. Really hot but artistic, the sort who could probably be in a sorority or cheer squad, but choose not to. Those are the top-shelf types. Usually pretty unapproachable. Then you have the patently unattractive. It is heaven or hell on an entirely different level.


Because like this movie fat emo girls are awesome and like is drawn to like.

As a fat "goth" girl from the 80s. I can attest to the truth of the above statement and to the OP go find a pool of very shallow water and drown yourself in it for our amusement.

"Do not call the tortoise unworthy because she is not something else" -Whitman


I know. When I was in high school the goth and emo crowd seemed to think it was in their cultural heritage to worship this movie. No idea why-it's "dark" yes, but the characters are as perky and light hearted as any Disney character, and most of the "counterculture" kids act like that light Disney stuff sucks. I think they just like the idea of liking it.

All right, all that said, I'm a skinny semi-hipster girl who genuinely loves this movie. always have, because stop motion rocks, the music is great, in obsessed with monsters, and Jack and Sally are not only a couple I truly love but characters I adore.

I bet you say that to all the Nordic ice goddesses. -Tora Olafsdotter
