MovieChat Forums > The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) Discussion > Why does every fat emo girl love this mo...

Why does every fat emo girl love this movie?

Oh I forgot you kids call it "scene" these days. In the 90s it was "goth". What else will the fat girls call themselves next?


i kinda agree with the op...if you take the fat thing out...i love how all these emo ppl think they are cool and unique by shopping at hot topic when they are just another fad as bad as the gap and holster kids. oo im my own person by dressing in dark and shocking clothing...just like all..these..other..people...i just hope at least half of the ppl who buy this stuff really enjoy the movie..not just the Halloween part...


Daleks give me nightmares


Wait, is the OP disliking the movie or fat emo girls? Whats wrong about them?
What makes him so sure that all fat emo girls like this movie? And why does he think they are the only ones to like this movie?

I like it, and I'm neither a girl, fat or emo. I'm just a Tim Burton fan, but that's another thing.


Well, remember the thing with Star Wars. People in all walks of life literally are fans.

Dark Shadows 05|11|2012


I have a gut feeling hot chicks love this movie. As a movie buff I'm crapping bricks right now. How is this movie an 8.0 and Twilight Zone: The Movie a crummy 6.3?

Don't feed them after midnight! It's after midnight somewhere.



I think he's right, every fat emo girl loves this movie. There is only one way to prove him wrong. Are there any fat emo girls here that hate this movie? If so speak up.


I'm not fat or emo and I love this movie =( That is a narrow-minded statement. We do not call it scene, that is a slang term developed by the older generation to try and make sense of the new generation's slang, that or 'scene' is a slang word bred in a different region or place, do not make the mistake of assuming every teenager says it. If you are in the habit of posting such rude and discriminating remarks about people audience please take it elsewhere, nobody appreciates your derogatory and insensitive comments here


This post made my day.

Your movie sucks.


I'll admit I'm a chubby chick...not emo but punkish and I've loved this movie since I was 8. I think the original OP is kinda right don't have to be a fat emo chick to like this movie...but a large percentage of heavy set gothettes really do like this movie lol!!!!


But than you can say that about anything.
I bet i could find just as many thin emo girl fans than fat ones.. .lol

A Tim Burton Fan


As a person who has worked for a certain retail company for several long years, I can vouch for the fact that the majority of overweight, goth/scene/emo/dark/misunderstood/brooding girls that shop at this particular place absolutely live and breathe this Nightmare stuff.

I saw the movie in it's original theatrical run, I owned the VHS and watched it pretty much every day, own the soundtrack etc., but you wouldn't catch me dead wearing anything related to it nowadays. The "fan base" that the movie has currently is very unappealing to me, and I do not wish to be associated with it, even though the fact that I work at this company makes me associated by proxy.

Perhaps what it ultimately boils down to is the optimism that these girls get from the films. Even though Sally, the rag-doll, is all f-ed up with her nasty stitches and her stuffing bubbling out over her seams (see what I did there?) she still has the inner beauty to snag a tall, skinny, musically inclined, poetic white guy who also happens to be a snazzy dresser (and isn't secretly gay).


That's because Sally's hot.

Plus association with the film and not the fans. I'm don't give a flying toss about everyone other 'fan' and what they get from it I'm more concerned with why i like it. They wont ruin it for me, we were here first as they say. lol

Mind you the fan base on the uk is different to the Uk, in fact comapare that to Japan were it's massive. They're not emo/goth large girls either.

A Tim Burton Fan


Because it's totally unique and kooky style really talks to their tortured souls, it's like, the epitome of all they stand for in their individualism.



"A man who does not spend time with his family can never be a real man."


I came to this board just to see if anyone had made a thread about this. OP hit the nail on the head. So true.

Just's not a lie if you believe it.

