MovieChat Forums > My Life (1993) Discussion > OK, stole this from the notebook thread

OK, stole this from the notebook thread

But they listed the five movies that break your heart, My Life is so number one. Here is my list

Number one, no question about it --

My Life -- when the Dad leans in and says "better late, than never" -- I choked.

Pay it Forward -- I don't know if is so much the movie as it is the haunting "Calling all Angels" at the end.

Steel Magnolias -- Holy crap, like a roller coaster, up down, cry, scream.

The Story of Us -- Just because it is so, so real and I want to go to Chow Funs.

Terms of Endearment - I would be the manic mother screaming for my daughters shot. That just breaks me.

And even though it is not a movie, the series ending of Six Feet Under had me thinking about it for days ...




Schindler's List -- the ending with the survivors placing stone on the grave.

Gallipoli -- Mel Gibson's anguished scream as the whistle blows and Mark Lee's desperate race.

"Please you must forgive me, I am old but still a child."


I can't believe no one has said:
1. Imitation of Life (Lana Turner version) I bawl like a baby everytime!
2. A Patch of Blue
3. My Life
4. Soldiers Girl
5. Titanic
6. Steel Magnolias
7. Schindler's List
8. The Green Mile
9. The Killing Fields
10. Brokeback Mountain
11. Pay It Forward
12. Sweet November
13. The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas
14. Hotel Rwanda
15. Untamed Heart
16. Philadelphia
17. The Champ
18. Glory
19. Life as a House
20. The Color Purple


One of the first movies to have me crying hysterically was Stella with Bette Midler. I sobbed for a long time after watching that movie. I feel teary now even thinking about it.


Schindler's List - The scene with Schindler sobbing uncontrollably about wasting so much of his money and how he could have saved more, while the Jewish people are wrapping their arms around him to comfort him gets me every single time I watch this movie.

Antwone Fischer - The scene at the end when his wish is fulfilled...eating a large meal with his whole family.

Finding Neverland - The play is put on for the dying mother. Truly touching.

Freedom Writers (multiple scenes) - The student reading from his journal about how the class has become like a home to him; the woman who hid Anne Frank and comes to visit the students and telling them that they are the real heroes.

Dances With Wolves - Wind in His Hair telling Dances With Wolves, "do you not see that I will always be your friend?!"

Little Princess - Sara screaming for her father (who doesn't remember her at first) as she's being taken away by the police, and then her tears of joy when he finally does remember.

E.T. - the ending.

Avatar - Neytiri crying out, "Ewya has heard you!" as the animals and creatures help to defend the planet.

Cocoon - Bernie in the pool sobbing over the loss of his wife.


The Iron Giant
Superman Returns



1) My Life
2) Five People You Meet In Heaven
3) The Deer Hunter
4) Terms of Endearment
5) Somewhere In Time

Honorable Mention: Pay It Forward and the funeral scene in the original Walking Tall
