MovieChat Forums > My Life (1993) Discussion > OK, stole this from the notebook thread

OK, stole this from the notebook thread

But they listed the five movies that break your heart, My Life is so number one. Here is my list

Number one, no question about it --

My Life -- when the Dad leans in and says "better late, than never" -- I choked.

Pay it Forward -- I don't know if is so much the movie as it is the haunting "Calling all Angels" at the end.

Steel Magnolias -- Holy crap, like a roller coaster, up down, cry, scream.

The Story of Us -- Just because it is so, so real and I want to go to Chow Funs.

Terms of Endearment - I would be the manic mother screaming for my daughters shot. That just breaks me.

And even though it is not a movie, the series ending of Six Feet Under had me thinking about it for days ...


Is this thread restricted to movies made since 1985???

Many anti-fur protests, few anti-leather. Seniors & models must be easier to bully than bikers.


I don't think so. Three of the movies I listed were made before '85 and nobody has said anything about it.
Fight the "everyday atrocities"!


My Life

The Brooke Ellison Story

Brian's Song

Garden State

Love Affair

Random Harvest

Forrest Gump

Reign Over Me

Happy Accidents

A Walk to Remember

The Notebook


Dear Frankie

Matchstick Men

Wicker Park


I find it pretty funny, I've never cried during a movie, but movies that have almost made me cry emotional tears, are funny ones, like Click and the Simpsons movie, like when during Click, when you find out Adam's dad died, and you see the last time he saw his dad, that was sad, and during SM, when Homer was watching Marge's video, saying she taped over their wedding video and then it cuts to them dancing at their wedding while "Close to you" is playing, ha


1. Beaches - It may be corny, but when Wind Beneath My Wings starts playing I cry everytime.

2. Titanic - I don't know that I'd cry now, but when I was 17 I just sobbed.

3. The Notebook

4. Anne of Green Gables - When Matthew dies.

5. Simon Birch

6. An Affair to Remember - It's a classic crying movie, as Sleepless in Seattle shows.

7. It's a Wonderful Life

8. Meet Me in St. Louis - Watching Margaret O'Brien cry makes me cry.

9. Judgement at Nuremburg - Any time the Holocaust is depicted it makes me weep.

10. Schindler's List


Sophie's Choice - obviously. I can't even think of why no one mentioned this.

Rabbit Proof Fence - heartbreaking, non-fiction...just so incredibly sad

The Passion of the Christ - ...nuf said

Schindler's List - anything Holocaust does me in, completely

Wit - oh gosh, is there anything that needs explaining? "...may flights of
angels sing thee to thy rest..."

there are more-
the first movie to ever make me cry was The Messenger [Joan of Ark]
I Am Sam
My Life
King Kong
Steel Magnolias
Through Gates of Splendor
Marvin's Room
Driving Lessons
A Cry in the Dark [aka Evil Angels]
Billy Elliot
Cry Freedom
Cast Away
Flight 93 [the TV version]
Ladder 49
Simon Birch
The Elephant Man
The Miracle Worker
Anna and the King
Land of Women
Little Miss Sunshine

sigh...and there are more...I'm not even a big cryer either, but those are definitely big tear-jerkers


I can't mention Sophie's choice because I try not to even think about it, it upsets me so much.
Fight the "everyday atrocities"!


If you're looking for a good two hankie of my faves is "Untamed Heart"!!

Starring Christian Slater and Marisa Tomei

I love this movie! It's one of the best and saddest love stories.
Even though I've seen it several still makes me teary... :(

Check it out...


A.I. When David dies in his mother's arms at the end, combined with listening to Epiphany by STAIND on the ride home, I had tears in my eyes on the way home

Anne of Green Gables: As a previous poster had put it, when Matthew died, I cried a bit in front of my best friend and some of my classmates too

Homeward Bound: Alot of scenes with Shadow brought some tears to my eyes.

I hope this isn't relegated to anything animated outside of Disney stuff because I've some anime and video games that have made me cry quite a bit when I first saw them

warning potential spoilers

Kingdom Hearts 1: when Sora has to say goodbye to Kairi and she sheds a tear in their secret place after seeing him vanish

Samurai X: Reflection/Rurouni Kenshin Seisouhen: Most of the movie was a tear jerker for me, from watching the pained expression on Sanosuke's face seeing his friend the way he is, to watching Kaoru and Kenshin limp towards each other and collapse into each other's arms, just brought on the waterworks for me

Naruto: no matter how many times I see it, watching Zabuza slowly die and say his last words to Haku always gets me choked up inside

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Watching and listening to Rei speak her last words as she prepares to blow up her mech to kill the parasitic angel that's killing her always gets my eyes even more wet

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: The scenes of Link being forced out of his home and saying goodbye to Saria, and when he conquers the Forest temple and finds out that since Saria is now a sage, he may never be with her again and the line: Saria will always be your friend gets me all the time


1. My Life, this is also my favorite movie
2. Beaches
3. Stepmom
4. My Girl
5. Steel Magnolias

I also always cry at the end of Rudy, when they start chanting his name. It's not a sad movie but it always gets me.

Pay it Forward was horrible at the end, I normally don't mind a sad ending but I have never been able to watch that movie again.
Simon Birch was sad but you kind of expected it


I was just wondering why nobody has mentioned "City of Angels" with Cage and Ryan... when she gets hit by the truck and dies...killer

The Champ wit little Ricky

My Life
Nothing in common
Turner & Hooch
Untamed kills me every time

all time tear jerker though is and will always be OLD YELLER


1. My Life [Seriously I was balling threw out the movie definetly one of the saddest movies I ever seen]

2. Stepmother [Very upsetting]

Thats all I have really


Kramer vs. Kramer

"Nobody calls Soundwave uncrazzomatic"


5. Castaway - Hanks stayed alive for 4 years so he could see Kelly again, and when he sees her, she's married.
4. Steal Magnolias
3. The Color Purple - when Celie and Nettie are reunited, Celie is old and battered while Nettie is still relatively young and full of life.
2. Ordinary People
1. My Life

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh


My Life is probably near or at #1 on my list, but this one is definitely near the top as well:


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Penny Serenade
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
It's a Wonderful Life
You Can't Take it With You
A Hole in the Head
Midnight Cowboy

I don't easily get touched by movies at all, so these are the only ones that really managed to do it for me.


The ending for Stephen King's The Mist.
Well this movie doesn't make me cry but I do feel very, VERY sad for the character, it's such a messed up ending!


Steel Magnolias
My Life
A Walk to Remember
Pearl Harbor
Terms of Endearment

Seize the Day or die regretting the time you lost.
