MovieChat Forums > The Nanny (1993) Discussion > Did you seriously think Maggie could hav...

Did you seriously think Maggie could have been a model?

She was so awkward! I didn't find her boyfriends very believable either.



Well, I agree with the other poster that being a model in this day and age (and the '90s) does not equate to being classically beautiful. It basically means you're tall and skinny have visible bone structure to your face. There are some high-fashion models who are downright homely, in my opinion, but some sheep-like people still automatically go, "omg she's so gorgeouzz even without makeup!!!" because they have that elite title of being a model (this seems to happen particularly often with the Victoria's Secret angels, some of whom really are beautiful, but others I feel don't even compare to women I see every time I go to the grocery store).

The boyfriends is another interesting subject - I'm not a guy, so I can't necessarily say what they go for, but it did always stand out to me that both James Marsden and Andrew Levitas were, like, top-drawer hot and therefore kind of made Maggie look bad by comparison. Not that she's ugly or anything; they're just both, like, super-humanly goodlooking.


I think Maggie was really pretty but no I don't think so. She had no shape to her, she was like a string bean, she had very long legs but they seemed very bony. Maybe I'm wrong as to whether she could have made it, just my opinion.


That's what I figure would make her end up not being a model. Not her not being pretty enough, cause I actually though she was pretty, just that she doesn't really have any shape to her. Like you said, kind of like a string bean.

Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.


If you've ever seen runway models with no make up on you will see Maggie is actually quite pretty so she'd be a decent model.


Well contrary to popular belief it takes more than good looks to be a model, the show Top Model proved that every season, there was always some pretty girls who just couldn't model mostly cause modeling also takes some acting skills as well, it's not like posing for a school yearbook picture or taking pictures with your friends on Facebook. Plus Maggie posing and acting as awkwardly as she did would have been turned down by any top agency no matter how beautiful she was.

"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story"


No but she did go on to become a nude actress. Close enough.


Most models aren't that attractive and she was just really thin and wiry. I never saw her a big deal though.
