MovieChat Forums > Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993) Discussion > What's up with all of the earrings, bad ...

What's up with all of the earrings, bad haircuts snd cheesy spandex?

It's just more bad 1990s fashion to see guys with earrings, bad mullet haircuts, and cheesy spandex. Another reason why power rangers was so ridiculous.

Power Rangers are ASININE, we all know it!


Typical 1990's.


The 90s was an awful decade.

Power Rangers are ASININE, we all know it!


90's is near the top of the heap.

Your favourite decade? Stuck in an unenviable position.

EIGHT STROKS OF RYRE - Beta Grandfather Dorin


"90's is near the top of the heap."

Not really, dude, far from it, completely.


90s fashion was horrific.

Super Sentai is 100,000 times better than Power Rangers!


Your favourite decade?

The 90s and the Early 2000s are my favorite and Incredible Decades


The 90s was an awful decade, thank goodness, it's fashion is ridiculed these days.

Super Sentai is 100,000 times better than Power Rangers!



The 90s was an awful decade kiti

Super Sentai is 100,000 times better than Power Rangers!



Sorry kiti but the 1990s was a terrible decade for many people.

Super Sentai is 100,000 times better than Power Rangers!


Sorry kiti but the 1990s was a terrible decade for many people.

Well Big Freaking Whoop

The 1990s is a Great Decade
Not a Terrible Decade
I Mean what are you a 2000s Kid

The 1990s is an Awesome Decade of Video Games and Animated Shows
I Was Born in 1990


The 1990s was a terrible decade kiti.

Super Sentai is 100,000 times better than Power Rangers!


With the closing of the IMDB message boards thanks to asshats like you who LITERALLY spent your lives... LITERALLY... you've been here for well over a decade doing this... you clearly have aspergers and are living in your parent's house probably collecting government benefits. You probably weigh over 300 lbs and are dying slowly from being obese. Thanks to trolls like you... no more message boards. The only good news is your entire operation here gets shut down. Thanks a lot *beep*

TEAM KELLERMAN - When they come for us, we're going to take as many of them with us as we can!


^^Cry me a river^^ The whole point of discussion boards is to express differing opinions.

With those specfic descriptions are you sure you aren't describing your own plight?

Super Sentai is 100,000 times better than Power Rangers!


The difference is that your opinion can't be taken seriously.

Trolling PRAreDumber Until IMDB Dies


Actually it is kiti.

Super Sentai is 100,000 times better than Power Rangers!




The 90s was an awful decade.

Oh come on
The 90s is a great Decade
And a great Decade of Video Games&Animated Shows
And the Golden Age of Power Rangers
Well im a 90s baby or a 90s kid

The 90s will Always Rule and these modern day Kids Cartoons and new Music Videos are Trash


Why did you ask a question and in the same post, put the answer? Boggles the mind.

"I'm not so sure this is, structurally speaking, such a good time for your, uh, buddies to drop in."


In case you haven't noticed that guy has been trolling Power Ranger boards for years now. Check any thread and he's there. He can't seem to realize that it's a children's show from the 90's. So yes, to kids today this show might seem stupid but us original fans still watch it for the memories and nostalgia. It might not be high quality but we still watch it. Simply put, times change, and just like they will be watching the shows of today in the future because those will remind them of their childhoods, we also watch Power Rangers because they remind us of our childhoods.


I don't visit that often so I never noticed him (or her). I just figured they were mentally impaired lol.

"I'm not so sure this is, structurally speaking, such a good time for your, uh, buddies to drop in."


The answer boggles the mind.

Power Rangers are ASININE, we all know it!



Who else?

Power Rangers are ASININE, we all know it!



Power Rangers are ASININE, we all know it!



Power Rangers are ASININE, we all know it!


Actually, kbbullet, I just joined IMDb earlier this year.


Not true kbullit.

Super Sentai is 100,000 times better than Power Rangers!


Why people like this show boggles the mind.

Power Rangers are ASININE, we all know it!


How you can get satisfaction trolling the same low-traffic board for over a decade boggles my mind...

TEAM KELLERMAN - When they come for us, we're going to take as many of them with us as we can!



Good question OP!


Good question OP!



The OP has a valid question.

Super Sentai is 100,000 times better than Power Rangers!


Say what?

Super Sentai is 100,000 times better than Power Rangers!


It's a kids show, you lunatic. What's the matter with you?
You made an IMDB account just to insult a show made for children that came out over 20 years ago? LOL
You are ill, my friend.


Ah, but it was fun mental kiddy cocaine to xD. It was so bad, it was good.


Is that you, captainbucky?!


The 90's rocked, go jump in a volcano.
