MovieChat Forums > Universal Soldier (1992) Discussion > Proof we live in a Nancy boy society

Proof we live in a Nancy boy society

This movie along with other classic 80s and 90s action masterpieces that get ragged on by the imdb movie crowd just shows how much times have changed. It's sad how we have become a kale swilling lets all be equal in our sad hipster universe state selves. It really makes me want to vomit how unmanly people have become. This movie along with movies like predator, Bloodsport, Commando are some the best action movies ever made. Who gives a rats ass if plot is thin when the action is solid and entertaining. The way I was raised vs the way kids are raised these days with child proof this and that is pathetic. Sorry, had to vent...



Wow! Bit of an overreaction, don't you think? I'm sorry but Universal Soldier, Bloodsport and Commando are all distinctly average films that are made watchable due to a creative cast and crew.
Have you ever read the scripts? They're no better than all that WWE schlock, however, because the creative teams behind these films are very talanted and/or charismatic people, they managed to deliver really fun movies out of poor screenplays.


Have you ever read the scripts? They're no better than all that WWE schlock

Action movie scripts from that time always had to be over the top and larger than life. I'm guessing the intention wouldn't be that far from WWF stuff. The action theme was always theatrical/pantomime. It's what made them so fun.

How many a$$holes we got on this ship, anyhow?!


There's nothing wrong with OTT action movies, that's not what I am referring to when I mention poor scripts, if you look at the action films that are regarded as the best, Die Hard, Predator, James Cameron's Terminator films etc, they're all very well written films with well-rounded characters and strong performances.


they're all very well written films with well-rounded characters and strong performances

Most of the 80s action movies had some of the best talent in the business working on them. Some action movies were more elaborate and deeper than others but that didn't make them any better as action showcases. The best ones were simple but effective, because that's what an action movie should be.

In terms of larger than life action themes, and the fact you have Lundgren Vs JCVD, this film beats Die Hard in terms of straight up action. Most people would laugh at that, but the "WWF" action films were really the soul of the genre.

The cheese is old and moldy. Where is the bathroom?


Exactly. The 80s, & 90s to a degree, had Chuck Norris, Rambo/Stallone, Arnold, Van Damme, etc. Can you name a single larger-than-life character/hero today? Yes, sometimes the action outweighed the script but these movies and stars made money and defined an era. Today we have Van Diesel for a hero. Help!


Can you name a single larger-than-life character/hero today?

Nah, just charmless meatheads like Dwayne Johnson & Diesel playing the same characters in every one of their generic assfests.

Yes, sometimes the action outweighed the script but these movies and stars made money and defined an era.

Yep, people always judge those movies from the wrong standpoint ie saying "they have simple scripts", "weak acting" etc. That was never what they were about, they were not Oscar showcases. It was all about larger than life heroism, real escapist stuff but done with some charm and with some really taleneted technicians and great action stars like Lungdren behind it. UniSol features two warrior like Nordic gods in their prime. You can't get better than that. It ain't Shakespeare, but that's not the intention.

He was my C.O. in Nam. CIA listed him as MIA but the VA ID'd his M.O. and put out an APB.


100% agreed.

I bring this up all the time.

We have no modern day larger-than-life action heroes. Heck we don't even have larger-than-life modern day pro-wrestlers that rival the likes of Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, or Macho Man Randy Savage for today's audience.

Everything is so tame and soy-filled, it's disheartening.


Completely agree!


if only you were alive to see society today...
btw this film is great, with lots of practical effects and no green screen. everything looked like it had a lot of body.


correct. this is not a film for pussys.

unisol is manly action and antitode to fugly feminist and woketards on social medias who hate men and bash them all day.

this film chews up woketard and spit them out with its manliness action. they can not candle this film so they give it low rating.
