Laura Gemser

I just watched troll 2 for the first time, and i was shocked to see that exploitation queen, laura gemser did the "costumes" you can see her forehad in a photograph that they show in best worst movie, trying to fix one of the costumes. i cant believe she was involved in that wonderful movie! and to think, she designed those awful potato sack costumes. lol


I couldn't believe it when I saw her credit!

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


You think it's really the same Laura Gemser?


for sure it is! you can see a still picture of her in the documentary about it. its deffinatly her! if you like laura, and exploitation, you might like my new show... i JUST posted a new episode, for life and death of a porno gang. check it out!! much more crazier things to come. (and i have a laura gemser poster in the background)


The costume designer was one who was famous for taking her clothes off lol


It definitely was her. She certainly knew Claudio Fragasso and it’s been mentioned in a documentary about her career.


It’s her. She said so in interviews. She said she finally got tired of running around stark naked and pretending to have sex on screen in every movie, so she called it quits with acting and got into costume design instead.


I don’t think that career path went very far though.


Guess people wanted her to design clothing naked but she refused. 🤔
