MovieChat Forums > The Rapture (1991) Discussion > Questions for non-christians

Questions for non-christians

Would a non-christian enjoy this movie?
What did you rate this movie?


To: sbm-dvd

You wrote:
"Would a non-christian enjoy this movie?
What did you rate this movie?"


I believe that any psychotic, irrational, believer in fairy tales, sucker for faith over science, devotee of unproved made-up stuff would love this movie.

I mean if you can get billions of people to actually live their lives based on a book written by men who wanted to control people through fear, with just a touch of kindness thrown in to actually entrap people, then you might like this movie.

"You won't get into heaven if you don't believe in Jesus..." just a clever marketing ploy from a new religion trying to scare people into believing so they can get more people into their congregation. Nothing more. Hey, it's the 21st Century, cast-off these fairy tales of 2000+ years ago. We don't bleed people when they aren't feeling well anymore, either. It's amazing what you can get people to believe when they are afraid, and there's no ready answers.

Obviously, that book wasn't written by an all-powerful, all-knowledgeable entity or god, because it took centuries and draft after draft before they finally came up with a book they liked. ...then King James wrote it all over again!

I believe that blue is the best color. I have no proof of that either. So it's not a just stuff that makes me feel better. Actually, I'll take reality over religious mubojumbo, any day. Most people are even too afraid to think seriously about the existence or not of a god. They are afraid they'll insult the invisible man who lives in the sky. Try it, it won't hurt.


im an atheist and i put it at as my third fave christian movie (1 and 2 being the last temptation of christ and the gospel according to saint matthew)

i interpreted it as a f-ed up woman coming into conflict with her even more f-ed up god. she has an excuse. she was nuts. the god has none. he's meant to be perfect. when your ment to be perfect and your out moralled by a lunatic child murderer theres something wrong.

i felt it was a rare thing. a misotheistic film (a misotheist believes in god but hates him)

'Just remember. I can complete a jigsaw using only my tongue. With the lights out.'


sbm-dvd said: "Would a non-christian enjoy this movie? "

There's no such thing as a "non-christian". There's normal people who are not brainwashed and there are religious people who are brainwashed. We're all born without any kind of religious input then the weaker ones get brainwashed and turn religious (by other christians or by other religious people using similar brain washing techniques) The rest of us stay normal.

The film is great in showing us this so I rate it highly. I have no idea why a brainwashed religious person would like it other than being confused. But then again most brainwashed people tend to be very confused.

One should judge a man mainly from his depravities.Virtues can be faked.Depravities are real.Kinski



Brainwashing is brainwashing no matter how big the scale is. The point stands that people are still born without any religious influence imprinted on their brain.
Religious brainwashing does not start before after birth. Before that each and every child born is born without religion. There's no such thing as a religious person. They're merely abused and brainwashed individuals in need of help.

One should judge a man mainly from his depravities.Virtues can be faked.Depravities are real.Kinski


I'm an Agnostic and I give the film 5/5 (an A) because I believe it is a powerful portrait of a hedonist looking for redemption wavering into madness (I'm teaching the film as part of a Faith & Cinema course I'm teaching for the Chiron Studies student taught courses program at Portland State University this Spring) :)


you can't like teach a film, man


I saw this movie about 15yrs ago and am looking it up today because I was telling somebody about this ridiculous movie i had seen. I am not a christian now, but I am not sure what I believed at the time I saw the movie. It doesn't matter though because I still have the same feelings about it. I do not see how anybody christian or not could like this movie. She believes in god and goes to the desert to await the rapture but it takes too long so i guess she starts to doubt its going to come. so she kills her daughter (WTF!). Then she decides she hates god because she killed her daughter because the rapture didn't happen. Then the rapture does happen. She's at the doorstep of heaven and sees that her daughter is ok and in heaven and that everything she believed in happened but yet she still refuses to accept god and decides to remain in purgatory for practically no reason at all. all I can say is WTF. I don't see how anybody could like this movie christian or not. I would like everyone to note that many non Christians were willing to watch this movie and some even liked it. I have not met very many Christians open minded enough to watch a movie that has a non christian point of view. (because they know that if they did they would see how ridiculous their beliefs are.


I'm not a Christian and I found it a powerful and rewarding film.


When I rented this movie (back when it first came out on VHS)I asked the store clerk (small indy store) what the movie encompassed, as far as various religious beliefs. The clerk said it had a range of religious ideas. Hmmm, could be he didn't comprehend the meaning of "range." I found it had NO range, but was stuck on one very particular religious track - fundy Christianity. I had shed my Christian beliefs by then, so found the movie flat and narrow. Rogers was good in it though--she brought great credibility to her role.


The question of all religion is, Which Law will I follow?
Torah is the backbone of Judaism/Christianity/Islam.
Christianity approaches it with coldness, going against Christ, esp. Matt. 5:19.
All movies of this stripe approach Christianity from an emotional point of view.
That's because Christianity itself strips Law in favor of something else.
In modern society, emotional Christianity is the norm, so that the question of whether male homosexuality deserves the death penalty becomes a matter of opinion/compassion/family and not Law.
Law falls by the wayside.
Islam approaches Torah (Tawrot) with emotional savagery, too hot.
Judaism is too busy assimilating for survival to apply the Law correctly most of the time.
Again, this film does not concern itself with the Bible, with Law, or with righteousness, but rather whether changing habits provides emotional stability to the emotionally unstable. Religion does not, Law does.


