MovieChat Forums > The Last Boy Scout (1991) Discussion > The Long Lens style destroyed this movie...

The Long Lens style destroyed this movie.

So in the 80's, the Scott bros, Adrian Lyne, and some others all created this smoked room, often used long lens look for 80% of the shots, where the camera is FAR away and we're in like, 80mm to 400mm lens world. It was cool. Something about it felt hip and epic and more real than real, like a tall tale mood (This eventually evolved into the Michael Bay style, in my opinion).

Well this movie looks like it only shot with 200mm lens or longer... and the result? Nothing feels real to me, like it's all so stylized and compressed that it's like a comic strip without any life.

For me, the style really kills this movie. Oh yeah, I saw it opening weekend in the theater, but right now its on showtime in 2022.


It doesn't bother me.


i agree. this film looks sterile. no souls like michael bays film.

problem is tony scotts directing method got more and more style bases as he made each film, and thus became style over substances.

his style peak with top gun, which is very cool looking film! but everything after got worse with each film!! beverly hill cop 2 look like shits run over twice.


My favorite Tony Scott film is "The Hunger". It was a box office bomb, and he wen into a completely simple minded lowest common denominator mode for his next film "Top Gun"

And it worked. I've have still never watched "Top Gun" from beginning to end. Just not my kind of thing. I. have watched "The Hunger" many many many times.


interesting. what is hunger about?


the munchies
