MovieChat Forums > Hudson Hawk (1991) Discussion > Top 10 Most-Underated Films Of All Time

Top 10 Most-Underated Films Of All Time

Okay, I admit, I haven't spent much time giving much thought to what movies belong on this list but I definitely think that this film has been criticised more so than most for the simple fact that this film is, by and large, flawless!

Flawless in the sense that I can watch this film year after year and still get the same entertainment value out of it I did following the first viewing (if not more). Granted, taste in film is subjective, so I'm sure other people would disagree about its repetitive viewability - but seriously, this is one damn good movie!

I was glad that it was released on DVD. I was a bit worried as it took them (studios/distributors) some time to release it onto LaserDisc (which I was one of the first to own a copy of!).

Okay, I'm rambling...this movie if you haven't seen it...shame on you! Go to your local dvd-store (when are they going to finally call them that?!) and rent a copy...or better yet...BUY IT! :)

~Your long-winded ...something.




I liked "Hudson Hawk." It was funny all the way through, in part, because of the utter absurdidty of the characters. The Da Vinci part of the plot was interesting. It added something that caught my attention. I also liked the Richard Dreyfuss movie "Krippendorf's Tribe." Again, absurd and truly ridiculous. It's hard to define "funny." I just know it when I see it--to heck with the critics. I think the singing in Hudson Hawk was light-hearted enough to make it pleasant. No one breaks into singing in real life, that's stuff done in movies. In this movie, it fit in with the other absurdities and never seemed out of place. There were no "normal" people in this movie, Every one was equally silly and outlandish. Maybe that caused it to work for me. I'll tell you what does not work for me: all of these CGI effects like seen in the Transformer movies. Good grief, fighting robots (computer graphic robots that is) bore me to tears. I also grow tired of people in the vicinity of huge explosions tossing the world around and no one getting smashed to pieces. If young people like this stuff, then there must be real generation gap.


Tango&Cash is my pick. It's such a great action comedy, with great rapport between Sly and Kurt Russell. I still quote this movie to this day. I watched this probably 50 times on HBO when I was younger. Brings back great memories. It's a borderline action parody, but, it's got great dialogue and a great villian in Jack Palance.

Honorable mentions
The Grifters and High Fidelity(instant classic).


My pick would be:

Air America (1990) - its just silly cool action movie with its humor

The Mosquito Coast (1986) - is a serious movie but I think it got low ratings because everyone compare Ford's movies like Blade Runner and Indiana Jones and expect this one to be the same. Its not.

Lord of the Flies (1990)


Many of these films are good and I love HUDSON HAWK but the most underrated film of all time in my opinion is William Friedkins' SORCERER.


I would agree! This movie is underrated.

Others I would add to that list are:

They Live
Big Trouble in Little China
April Fool's Day (1986)
Outrageous Fortune (nowadays the current generation hasn't heard of it even though this was big back in the day)
Big Business
Ruthless People
Jetsons: The Movie

As for movies that are *similar* I would recommend this underrated movie:

Nothing But Trouble


10 most underated films of all time, Hudson Hawk is certainly not one of them.


Terminator 3:Rise of the Machines(not as good as the original masterpieces but not as bad as people say it's actually very good)
Hudson Hawk(it's a fun action comedy very entertaining it's like a Da Vinci Code spoof before Da Vinci code)
Tango&Cash(one of the best buddy cop movies)
Stepbrothers(the best comedy of the 21st century probably)
The Cable Guy(ahead of its time a dark comedy that was overlooked in the 90s)
End of Days(Arnold's best dramatic performance before his retirement in 2003)
2012(it's not that bad)
Last of the Mohicans(not enough praise)
Apocalypto(also not enough praise deserves more than 7.8 on Imdb)
From Paris with Love(Travolta rocks in that)
