Does anyone feel bad for Carolyn?

It's tough out there in the workplace, so it must be particularly hard for a woman who has been doing all hard graft in preparation for a possible promotion to be gazumped by a girl who hasn't even started college yet.

Sue Ellen lied on her CV/resume and in reality didn't have any of Carolyn's experience for the job she was promoted into, so why the heck shouldn't Carolyn be a little p*ssed? I know I would be too if I was in her shoes.

I've seen it happen before (to be fair I've been in both Sue Ellen and Carolyn's side of the equation) and whoever is the one that benefits it really isn't fair when someone younger and less qualified takes a job that should have been yours, especially if they lied to get their foot in the door (I've never lied on my resume and really resent people who have, but I have benefited from a promotion over someone who was in a job longer than me).


I can understand how she would feel. That would anger the average person, but the lengths she went to try and bring her down were unacceptable. For an adult, Carolyn wasn't exactly acting like one, and I'm glad Rose called her out on it during the fashion show instead of actually considering the evidence.

I also don't think she had to be so nasty to Sue Ellen. She did not steal the job from her so much as Rose (to quote the Godfather) made her an offer she couldn't refuse.

"Bullsh*t rules!"
-Cher in Mask




If you were in Carolyn's shoes, nobody would like you because you act like a little bitch to everyone and act like everybody else is a retarded baby who can't follow simple instructions. There's a reason Rose didn't want her in the first place.


Carolyn was a nasty, cranky little bitch and got exactly what she deserved. She resented even having to direct a person to the personnel office.


All of that sucks but she was an *beep*

I mean the way she spoke to Sue Ellen when she came for the interview. Like she was a retarded animal just because she went to the wrong desk. Obviously no one told her to go the PERSONNEL, otherwise she'd have gone. Lol. She didn't even know her and she had the nerve to talk down to her over something so small.

I work in customer service (coffee shop) and naturally when you're in that position (serving others) everyone thinks they're above you. I've been spoken to that way by lot of people. Adults. But it says more about them than it does me. It takes a lot of effort to be that disgusting towards someone.

It was telling of her character. She was simply a miserable bitch. People who are happy do not interact with people that way. They just don't.



pre-online application I'm sure LOTS of people had to apply in person. Signs and a clearly written ad would have/could have helped everybody. We take it for granted we can google everything and find out ourselves what to do how to do it. Now it would be cheaper to eliminate Carolyn lol.


I think the ad for the job told people to go to the "Personnel" department. That's why Carolyn made that remark about people going to her desk instead of the "Personnel" department like the ad said.


No, she was a little *beep*


Sue Ellen taking her job is beside the point. Carolyn was a total bitch from the very beginning -- that even Rose couldn't stand her.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


At first yeah but then she reminded me of the mean girls I knew at school


Plus she wasn't a very nice person anyway.When sue Ellen came in that first day she was very rude to her.
