MovieChat Forums > Bugsy (1991) Discussion > Did Bugsy Deserve Best Picture

Did Bugsy Deserve Best Picture

I think a lot of people forget that Bugsy was a bit of a favourite coming up to the Oscars in 1992. Many people thought it would take home the goods, but it was beaten by the slightly suprising sweep by Silence of the Lambs. Now, I find, that most people would place it last among the 5 movies of that year (Silence, Beauty and the Beast, JFK, and Prince of Tides). Has this film aged badly, or is there some reason it hasn't held up as being considered a classic (especially compared to Silence and Band theB, and then JFK). Is there a reason?



There were a lot of good films that year. Bugsy is a pretty strong film. It's interesting to see how much of Warren Beatty is in the character by comparing it to Reds (1981), which won Beatty a Best Director Oscar and a Best Actor nomination.

The new DVD has a lengthy and recent discussion about the film and in that talk includes the clip from Manpower where George Raft hands the chair leg to Virginia Hill.



I think Warren Beatty had lost whatever he had in the beginning by the time the 90's rolled around. This and movies like Dick Tracy were attempts to make him a box office draw once again. However by this stage in life you could tell he was so into himself that he all but ruined the part of Siegal with his over the top acting.

Annette Benning, although a good actress, seemed bad for the part. Of course her and Beatty were together


should have been
*Silence of the Lambs
Terminator 2 (not Bugsy!)
Beauty and the Beast
Boyz n the Hood (not Prince of Tides) - My vote history (>6000 titles)


While it certainly deserved to have all those nominations, it clearly was not the winner that year.
Silence of the Lambs and JFK are far superior films. IMO, JFK should have won.

Either way, I would rank Beauty & the Beast, and Prince of Tides, WAY below any of those films.

the fact that Prince of Tides was even nominated is a travesty, that movie is awfully terrible.

Anyways, JFK, SofLambs and Bugsy were top-notch films that deserve the recognition.


"I feel for bugsy however, didnt win a darn thing."

That's not rrue. It won for Art Direction and Costume Design.

As for Best Picture, I'm such a big animation fan, therefore I'm partial to BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, but that aside, I gotta say SILENCE OF THE LAMBS deserved it that year.


No, this is your true Oscar winner right here.

As for JFk, Jfk was actually filled with many factual errors on the death of JFK. It was Oliver Stone's lovepiece and was completely subjective. Not a complex or complicated movie at all.

As for Silence of the Lambs, Great Great Great performances, true. Hopkins was one of the greatest performances for a movie villain ever. But the actual story and screenplay in SOTL was pretty straightforward. Excellent character study of both lecter and Starling, but not really any story.

Bugsy was a true classic, not only interesting character studies but with a good, rich screenplay, excellent production value in recreating the 1940s and an interesting plot (filled with historical liberties, but in no way takes its history seriously).

Bugsy is your true winner.


I thought JFK deserved to win. Still do. Politics aside, I think it was most well-made film of the year, hands down.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


I disagree. Leaving aside the truly terrible history and the ridiculously inaccurate portrayal of Garrison, it was just boring. I expected to be angry at Stone's credulous conspiracy theory, but I didn't even care that much.


Bugsy really has not aged well. There have been so many good gangster films and TV shows in the intervening years that Bugsy really doesn't hold up in comparison. Goodfellas was a much better film, as were Miller's Crossing, Donnie Brasco, possibly Casino...and let's not talk about Godfather I & II or the Sopranos.

Watched it today and a few things really stood out. The problem is right at the top. I just cannot buy Warren Beatty as a big-time gangster. He just seems like a movie star pretending to be a gangster. Benning is better than he is, but her accent is inconsistent, and that's a bit jarring.

There _are_ good performances in this film: Ben Kingsley and Harvey Keitel stand out.

But really, this film is several notches below Silence of the Lambs. I really felt at the end that Beatty had completely misrepresented to us who Bugsy Siegel must have been. He wasn't even convincing when he did explosions of temper - and that's usually the easiest thing for any actor to do. (At least Benning did that part well.) I couldn't fathom what was supposed to be his motivation, or what his strengths were, or how a person like this could possibly have risen to a high position in organized crime.

In retrospect, I think this film was loved by Hollywood largely because they love Warren Beatty. But it hasn't stood the test of time.



First of all, Goodfellas and MIller's Crossing came out before Bugsy, not after it. Yes, there are many excellent gangster movies. But just because a film isn't as good as "the Godfather" doesn't make it a bad film.

Warren Beatty can't make it as a gangster? He's been nominated for 4 academy awards for best actor. He's a screen legend. Benning isn't trying to put up any type of accent, I'm not sure what you are referring to.

Seeral notches below Silence of The Lambs? No way. First of all, it has many similarities. Both movies portray a very likeable, charasmatic, yet evil person. Both lead characters have total control over dialogue and use it to get what they want. Both movies involve very complex female characters.

It was quite easy to see how Bugsy could be a respected member of organized crime. He's totally fearless. He is relentless in pursuing what he wants. He is totally charasmatic when he needs to be.

And Ben Kingsley and Harvey Keitel were great.


It shouldn't have been awarded **** because it was an inaccurate portrait of BUGSY Siegel. He was a total piece of **** from the day he was born until the day he was assassinated. The acting was pretty great, and the movie very good, but when a movie bends the historical truth like that it should be awarded nothing.


I thought it was a decent film but way overrated, and felt Beatty overacted (and that is being nice) for most of his performance.


Wait a minute... who am I here?

