Best quote movie ever?

OK, so this movie was so-so by most standards. Except one. It might have been, in my opinion, the best quote movie ever. There were so many snappy one-liners that just stick with you it's unreal. Agree or disagree?
Oh, and if you disagree, I'll give you to the count of three to start shooting. But I promise you, you wil not make it. You ready?
I'm vready...


The Last words of Doc:

"Let's finish the game"

R.I.P. Doc


What does that mean anyway, atsay atsay?
its an ancient Navajo word, it means stop.

Yoo Hoo Bell, (points the gun at Bell) I'll make you famous
(Bell reaches for his)
Bell, don't do it, Bell I ain't kiddin, Bell! (Bell grabs his gun, Billy shoots him) That was stupid Bell.


Doc - "I'm a schoolteacher from the city of New York"
Disguised Billy (mockingly) - "I'm a schoolteacher from the city of New York" <Manic laugh>
Doc and Chavez look at each other

Not the best line or scene, but a personal favourite!



Me and my brother in Law always loved that line. No, this movie isn't great but it's definitley a classic of the 80's and 90's westerns. I've always liked it better than the first one. And it is really qoutable, but absolutely not the most qoutable movie. I think Caddyshack, Breakfast Club, Fletch, and Fight Club are at the top of that list.

I also like



I was a young teen when this movie came out. My friends and I used to watch it at least once a week and there are still phrases we say from this.

"I'm real happy fer ya DAVE."

"Quit nappin' on the job, Bob."

"Atsay! Atsay!" (we said this to our horses when they wouldn't stop)

"When sorrows come, they come not single-spies, but in batallions." (OK, so Shakespeare wrote it, but this is where I heard it first)

"Go Billy!" (Said by Balthazar Getty when Billy escapes town in the beginning - we just say it in support of each other)

Even 16 years later, this is still one of my all-time favorite movies.


Billy"u can go 2 hell hell hell"


Did you guys see the size of that chicken?


I think the line is something like...

"Alright boys, let's give them a proper burial" Then Billy begins laughing while they kick dirt on the guys they just killed.



Hey Chavez how come they ain't killing us. We're in the spirit world *beep* that can't see us.


Dave: I dont care if you swap spittle, and piss in each others boots I don't take to no tenderfoot in my gang.

Dave: I've been to a gold town, silver town, copper town but I have never been to a bat$hit town.


"I never stole a horse from someone I didn't like. Did I like him? Hell no, I loved that son of a bitch."

Some believe in God, others don't. But what matters most is God believes in all.


Can't wait to see the women!


"Did you guys see the size of the chicken?"

That's from the first movie!


Dave, excited: "Here that? He said Dave Rudabaugh from Las Vej-haus!"
Doc, sarcastically: "We're real happy for ya Dave"

Poe, after finding the falled deputy sherrif: "Just sayin' 'hello' Pat?"


Best line ever?

White Oaks! You can kiss my *ss!



Bonney: Deputy Carlisle, may I see your hat?
Deputy Carlisle: I really don't see how hats are relevant in this situation.
Bonney (cocks gun and points it at Carlisle's face): I do.


Tom O'Folliard: What's scum?
William H. Bonney: Well Tom, that's bad types. Politicians, bankers, cattle-kings... Scum...


I am heavy drunk now.
And, today (december 16) is the birthday of a girl. A girl that I love.
This doesn't make any sence for you guys. But I just arrive from street, and I'm thinking... This movie have the most incredible quote I've ever heard (along with "say hello to my little friend"):

the "3 chinese history".

Damn. Right now, the only thing I can think about is this: "I shall finish the game, Doc." I cannot think in anything more than this.

Vercetti! Remember the name!


amen, rafa. I really like that line too. There are sooo many good lines in this one that it`s very difficult to pick one. Actually, I`ve never seen a better quote lines movie, exept maybe the Lord of the rings:-)

'Live every day as it is your last one, because sooner or later you`ll turn to be right' '


No offense, but I think the best quote movie BY FAR is The Godfather. Both one and two. Then there's movies like Dr. Strangelove, Animal House, Forest Gump, Star Wars, Caddyshack, and so on and so on. I don't know anyone who quotes this movie. Maybe the year it came out they did, but the phenomenon hasn't lasted.


I don`t argue here, sure I`m not saying Young Guns is the most quotted movie, though I surely wish so! What I mean is that there are several really precious lines which I find so meaningful and they just sound wise at one hand, and sometimes even way too co*ky on the other hand, but they are always brilliant. I repeat, it`s my modest opinion.
Here are some of them:
'I shall finish the game'
'You`re not God! Why don`t you find the trigger and find out"
'If you have three or four good pals, you have a whole tribe'
'We are your family now, Chaves'

and of course the everlasting 'I`ll make you famous!"
By the way, I think this one did last even till nowadays, no?:-)

'Live every day as it is your last one, because sooner or later you`ll turn to be right' '



The Last Boy Scout also has tons of extremely good quotable lines.

But those are rather fun if anything else, the quotes in Young Guns actually appeal to many different moods and situations.

As somebody said, it's been 16 years, it wasn't a big budget film and still remains amongst the ones I liked the most, and curiously enough, I still have to find somebody who doesn't have it as one of their favorites as well.

