MovieChat Forums > Total Recall (1990) Discussion > They always stop short of saying it, don...

They always stop short of saying it, don't they?

Two women youtubers reacting to this movie - yeah, I know I should skip that kind of content, but I was bored and this movie is relatively interesting in how it plays with the audience, so I figured, what the heck.

(As a sidenote, the other woman has an interesting 'charm factor' with her 'playful eyes' and asymmetrical, and yet perfect-looking teeth when she smiles - she would make a great streamer, but you can also kinda see what she's going to look like post-wall, and she's starting to accelerate her journey towards the Undefeated One).

The scene where Quaid punches his 'fake wife' (she's fake in both scenarios, when you think about it - if he's dreaming, then this version is a dream-hallucination, not his real one, and if it's all real, then she's just an actor) always has me cheering..

..FINALLY someone has the guts to show what EQUALITY would look like! Finally men can punch women, even if it's just in movies, finally.. oh.

The women initially cheer, too, and say things like 'yes!!".

Then the uglier and feminist-looking one stops to think what she just said and hurries to add, "I don't condone hitting women, but in this case, it was justified".

As if she has to RATIONALIZE cheering for a fictional act in a fictional story, if it in ANY WAY threatens the 'women are innocent, honest victims that would never do anything bad and should always be believed-narrative.

However, she OBVIOUSLY lacks that capacity to think about the implications of the stupid things she says. Let me clarify this point a bit, let's look at the implications.

1) Men can always be hit, she condones and supports hitting men, even when men are innocent and don't deserve it, or when it's not specifically 'justified'. Women can only be hit when it's very clearly justified, on a case-by-case basis, but men can be punched all day long without such scrutiny.

2) Men and women are not equal.

3) Women should always be the protected class. Why? They never explain WHY 'there is no excuse to hit a woman, ever'. They never say the reason, because thinking logically would disintegrate that house of cards built on lies.

This leads to the implication number four that they NEVER quite reach when they try to say misandristic things like 'you shouldn't hit women'. They never continue that train of thought logically, as in 'but you should hit men' or 'no excuse to hit a woman, plenty of excuses to hit men', or 'we are all equal but you can't hit a woman', 'I don't condone hitting women but I do condone hitting men'.

Why this inequality? Equality is PARAMOUNT, because we are ALL HUMAN BEINGS, and we are ALL WORTH THE SAME! Equal in WORTH is what equality means, I have to clarify this for some dolts that don't get it.

A braindead 'syndrome' case is still just as valuable as some fema-fascist hag that has destroyed many innocent men or some wife that made some hard-working man homeless by divorcing him and taking all his assets, wealth, possessions, money and now the man still has to pay him alimony and child support for kids he will never get to see.

The fourth implication, of course, is that WOMEN ARE WEAKER THAN MEN.

They never say this, because it would bring too much lie-destroying logic to their fema-fascist, misandristic hatemongering.

'You shouldn't hit a woman, because women are weaker'.

'Women are stronger than men, and need men as much as fish needs bicycle'

These sentiments are in direct contradiction, but female brain can apparently believe them simultaneously without seeing any contradiction.

If men are not allowed to hit a woman, but some men might try it, wouldn't it follow that women need men to protect them from other men, in case some man might want to break the rule?

Also, this woman - sorry, did I assume gender? From her looks, she could just as well be a man. This shouldn't be an insult, since woman and man can't even be defined, and gender is just a social construct.

Sorry, I get just a little bit peeved when an idiot misandrist and hateful doesn't think what they're saying, or understand the implications.

What she implies by 'I don't condone hitting women' is that men are stronger than women, so she can NOT believe the lie of 'women are stronger than men' or even 'as strong'.

However, what about weaker men? What about women that ARE stronger than some men? Why is GENDER (which either can't be defined or there are millions of) the factor that defines who can be hit and who can't, and NOT the weakness?

I mean, that is the CORE reason for this one-sided protection that only encompasses around 50% of humanity, while leaving the other 50% mercilessly in the world of undeserved violence?

Why shouldn't men be protected, why can men be hit, but not women?

Even the 'women are weaker' doesn't cut it, because even in a case with a bodybuilder strongwoman and a weak, nerdly, tiny man with no muscles, the man STILL can't hit the woman, and the woman can STILL just punch the man to the ground.


So what is the REAL reason?

Why can't women be hit, but men can, even when women are stronger?

This type of apelike piss-for-brains-type female often starts with this 'you can't hit women' crap, but when questioned and asked why, they start backpeddling, and reach the 'stronger shouldn't hit weaker', but then have trouble with the scenario I present with stronger woman and weaker man, so then they reach the INEVITABLE stupidity, "no one should hit anyone", and call it a day..

..without realizing what they just said, admitted and revealed.

It's so predictable and stupid, you never get anywhere beyond that point, and they will never tell you the truth.

Honestly, in a world where EQUALITY is paramount, I don't see a reason why GENDER would divide anything like this, especially if it's just a social construction that can't be defined, and at the same time, there are 8 gillion of them.

Lawfully, no one is allowed to hit anyone anyway, except in some extreme cases. However, Cosmically thinking, not even then - the Cosmic Messenger once said something about turning the other cheek.

In any case, this is why female youtubers are not great philosophers of the Universe... they can't even understand WHAT THE F THEY ARE SAYING.

Think about it genders reversed, how weird it would sound.

'I don't condone hitting men, but in this case, it was justified'.

We are SO used to men getting punched especially on our screens, we don't even think about how awful it IS to be punched, regardless of your bodily gender. Are you saying that YOU, the same, exact soul, are somehow more valuable if you live in a female body than if you live in a male body? Let's say you live in a male body, then the body dies, then you incarnate to a female body, and _NOW_ you can't be hit?

Isn't this then the same as saying 'your physical body dictates YOUR value'?

I mean, think about ALL the implications of what this stupid hag was saying in the video... so easily, casually and thoughtlessly.


Let me posit a reason. On a deeper level we think in archetypes.

Of course, as a practical matter, women are taking advantage of a double standard. They must be assured equality under the law, because to not do so, would be oppressive. We all agree in sexual equality for both males and females. Yet, they can still fall back on biological gender differences of body mass and strength to protect themselves from physical assault. Of course women still are physically assaulted by men. But as a crime it carries an extra social penalty. Even in prison the other prisoners have no respect for rapists and wife beaters and they are targeted with violence.

For myself, I would like to see biological sex differences between males and females written into law - i.e. no pregnancy leave for fathers, no gender parity in the military, default child custody to mothers, etc etc.

But I'll go back to where I started, there is an archetype of the woman as mother. Women are vehicles for reproduction of the species. You don't hit your mother.
