gremlins 3: good idea or bad

i think good, but what do you guys think?


Gremlins 3 could go either way. I could see a fantastically fun flick or an abysmal disgrace to my childhood. A reboot wouldn't shock me one bit given the current trend in Hollywood to revamp properties instead of building upon them.

If Dante was in control of the project I would have faith of getting a worthwhile film.


Good; it's been long enough to do another one but no reboots and only use puppets and animatronics. None of that CGI bullscheiss.


Good because the concept is so basic: creatures multiply and things go crazy. The first two films also let you set any kind of tone you want: family friendly, straight horror, meta comedy

But those options also make it a bad idea, because so much could go wrong ! AHH



If Joe directs good


Somewhat skeptical... but if Joe Dante directs again and they use puppets instead of going the cgi route, I'd be down.


I think a spin off about the Daniel Clamp presidency would be more fun :)


Probably not, it would almost certainly be aimed at kids and have none of the menace of the first film.


Of all the 80s movies that have had reboots or sequels a new Gremlins is something I do want to see. I like the idea of working in a Daniel Clamp presidency but I think seeing Gremlins in today's world would have so much comedic potential. I know they would use some CGI but I hope it would be done with a majority of puppets and practical effects.


No, I doubt they will ever go for a III.
They will just reboot it, use cgi, and make it more scary/"mature"/gory.
Which is dumbing it down, like anything else 2020 vs 1980.


It’s been in the works for some time as I’ve seen in various places. One of the hold ups has been rights issues as a new Gremlins movie would have to be okayed by Steven Spielberg.
