MovieChat Forums > Dances with Wolves (1990) Discussion > It has to be said, Goodfellas won the te...

It has to be said, Goodfellas won the test of time presently, no doubt

even if you think dances is the better movie, there's no denying that goodfellas is seen as the better film today and that it was snubbed at the oscars. again,that could change in 50 years, but right now, it's delusional to think otherwise.
Like for instance, on parks and recreation, one of the guys is made fun of for liking dances with wolves because it's seen as LAME. absolutely no one thinks that of goodfellas and if you do you're making fun of yourself more than anyone could, truthfully.

as i said before, things change and predicting the canon of classic cinema decades down the line is harder than it looks, so i'm not even saying that dances with wolves won't be rediscovered as a great and goodfellas won't be seen as relatively mediocre (but i'm also not saying that) however the people here saying dances with wolves is seen as the superior movie nowadays, you really need a reality check...

I know that I shall meet my fate, somewhere among the clouds above


In retrospect it's better that DWW won because Casino is better than Goodfellas, anyways.


Yes, because something that is subjective is obviously not subjective for some strange reason.

Stupidity is the hallmark of humanity, the torch that is passed down throughout the ages.





I actually think Dances with Wolves is a superior film to Goodfellas. Goodfellas has a number of memorable scenes, but I've never been convinced the film hangs together that well overall. Plus the characters are all very obvious, with little subtlety.

DwW on the other hand is a well-rounded, thoughtfully told story with incredible performances and multi-layered characters that you can immerse yourself in. GF seems as light as a feather in comparison.

Oscars are irrelevant anyway, but on this occasion the academy got it right.


History has told us oscars mean jack *beep*. I agree. But popular opinion isn't always right either. I'm one of the very few who thinks the oscars got it right, and DWW is the superior film.

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I happen to think that Goodfellas has nothing on Dances With Wolves which is a tremendously superior film.


It's because most of the simpletons think that Goodfellas is cool and Dances With Wolves isn't. Yes, Wolves is tremendous and even superior contextually and thematically.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


I dunno I think Goodfellas is a terrific film, but ultimately it's about the mob and a guy who's basically a jerk who ends up a jerk in the witness protection program. That's it.

Dances With Wolves is a much bigger story about humanity.

Thematically it's too big of a gap for me it's no comparison.

I think DWW wins this, and its legacy is very obvious in a small movie called Avatar which made about 2 bazillion dollars.


DWW is really more of a best picture style film though. Its a sweeping epic that also reinvigorated the Western as a genre, whereas Goodfellas is more gritty and exploitative.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.
