
Was David Lynch partially inspired by the Halloween horror movies in the making of Twin Peaks? Both involve murders in small towns. The relationship between Cooper and Sheriff Truman is quite similar to Dr. Loomis and Sheriff Brackett (and other police officers) in the series with the respective former being an outside authority with belief in malevolent evil forces and the respective latter being skeptical but going along with the other’s notions. The psychic connection between Laura and Bob is similar to Jamie and Michael Myers. I’m watching the 5th Halloween movie right now and the 4 main teen characters of the film look like Laura, Donna, Bobby and Mike. The bumbling cops in Halloween 5 are like Andy. The hospital in Twin Peaks is reminiscent of the hospital in Halloween II.

There are probably some other similarities too but that’s what I can think of off the top of my head.


With the right combination of drugs, I can see buying into this theory.


1) The damaged photo frame of Laura in Part 17 of Season 3 is just like the damaged photo frame of Jamie in Halloween 5.

2) The cop who helps Jamie in Halloween 5 is the same actor who plays the Principal in the Pilot of Twin Peaks.

3) Jamie's house and Laura's house both look iconic.

4) Both killers target family members (Leland and Laura, Michael and Jamie)

5) There is a symbol behind the evil/supernatural for both the Lodge and Michael: the Owl symbol and the Thorn symbol.

6) Both take place in 1989. Jamie is abducted by the cult of thorn in 1989 and Laura dies in 1989. The ending of Halloween 5 is honestly like a Twin Peaks ending.


Great catches! Someone definitely should make an edit of the ending of Halloween 5 with Twin Peaks music and cut to the end credits with “Falling” and the picture of Laura like the Twin Peaks episode credits.


7) Doctor Death from the deleted opening of Halloween 5 (released finally last year in 2021!!!) is kinda like the male version of the Log Lady.

Along with the goofy cops and the teenagers looking like Bobby, Mike, Laura and Donna, the characters really do have their counterparts between Halloween 5 and Twin Peaks.

I'm fascinated that the thorn symbol and the owl symbol are similar. The man in black...who is his equivalent in Twin Peaks? There's shady people in Twin Peaks like him. Similar to Windom Earle, the man in black also tried to harness supernatural evil.


Yeah, the Man in Black is like Windom Earle or some of the other mysterious characters who show up in Twin Peaks. It is fascinating too how Dr. Loomis is revealed to have known the Man in Black just like how Cooper knows Earle.


Ahh, good find. Loomis knew the Man in Black, just as Cooper knows Windom Earle.

Both the Man in Black and Windom are former professional working men. The Man in Black, a doctor. Windom, a FBI agent. Ironic.


Referring to your #4, Leland also kills his niece Maddy just like how Michael tries to kill his niece Jamie


I wish the Thorn trilogy could've had more movies. They were getting experimental with the Halloween/Michael Myers legacy. I wish Halloween 5's director Dominique also could've directed Halloween 6.

But in a way, I think you could paint Halloween 6 (producer's cut!) as the conclusion of the Thorn trilogy.
1) Halloween 4 tried to blast Michael away with rednecks and guns.
2) Halloween 5 tried to fix Michael with therapy. And interestingly enough, many characters are being pretty therapeutic to Michael through out Halloween 5. A) The hermit from the beginning tries to nurse Michael back to health. B) The man in black tries to protect Michael. C) Jamie tries to see the humanity in Michael in the attic by saying "Uncle" and "You're just like me." D) Tina treats Michael like her boyfriend. Michael pretends to be "Mike" who is Tina's boyfriend and Tina actually kisses him. Why did Michael pretend to do this? Maybe he wanted to feel some affection from Tina. E) Loomis also tries to reason with Michael and fix his feelings.

I think trying to fix Michael with therapy makes sense from the perspective of Halloween 4 - because Michael was blown away by all those guns and they didn't work against him. But the therapy treatment has also failed, since Michael escapes, and the inner workings of the Thorn cult evade everyone's understanding.

3) Tommy successfully stops Michael with the use of runes in the producer's cut. I think that makes sense. Brute force in Halloween 4 and therapy in Halloween 5 did not work for Michael. You have to call upon the spiritual world in order to stop evil. In such a way, Halloween 6 is kinda the conclusion. You can't stop evil completely, but with the proper incantations/rituals, you can evade it, as Tommy did.

Jamie and Loomis are corruptible. Jamie is *like* Michael, she also had some darkness in her. Loomis is also corruptible. He is a doctor like Wynn, and Wynn turned to the dark side. Both positions are corruptible.


Halloween 6 has a great revelation with the runes, but I think Halloween 5 is my favorite of the Thorn trilogy and even my favorite of the Halloween series. I love Dominique's European style. Which puts me in a very odd camp, since many people dislike Halloween 5.


Yeah, Halloween 5 has some silly moments with Tina and the clown cops but it has the darkest atmosphere and one of the scariest of the series in terms of feeling of dread and impending doom for the main characters.


I love Danielle Harris/Jamie and Donald Pleasance/Loomis. I actually don't care that much for Jamie Lee Curtis.

I love how crazy and mad Loomis is in this movie. He's so tired and exhausted from fighting Michael all these times.


The 4 main teens really do look like Laura, Donna, Bobby and Mike. That's weird actually.


I know, right! One of the teens is even named Mike.


This is a great thread. Lynch was approached to direct Halloween II but turned it down.


I would have love to see what he would have done with the Halloween franchise, especially with the “Samhain” mystery explored in Halloween II. Also it is interesting to note that the villain in Halloween III is the same actor as Andrew Packard.
