Why all the hype?

I made it through the first season and three episodes into the second season and stopped. I really wanted to like this show, as it came highly recommended by people whose opinions I trust. Just lost interest.

I'm not here to criticize it harshly or say it's terrible, I just want to know what others see that I don't. Why is this show so hyped? I want to understand.


My friend, if you have stopped before, i guess it was episode 6 and 8 you probably missed out some of the best scenes of all time in any series or movies.

I would recommend to get those at least.


Because it was GREAT, unlike most of the crap on TV.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Because it is an amazing show. One of the best IMO. It does fall sharply in quality over the second half of season 2 except the finale and maybe one or two others, but up to that point it's leaps and bounds better than most stuff on today. And that drop in quality only happened because Lynch was pretty much forced by the execs to spill the beans on the killer, which he didn't want to do yet. Although, this happened to make one amazing episode in the process. IMO the 7th episode of season 2 is one of the greatest 45 minutes ever put on film or television. No question, for me anyway, the last 15-20 mins of that episode is the greatest thing ever filmed. The first time I saw it I just stared at a black screen in a daze for about 20 minutes afterwards in complete awe and then immediately rewatched it.

I have seen more movies than most and pretty much every highly acclaimed TV show ever made and I have never felt what I felt for those 45 minutes before, or since. I have never been overcome by so many emotions simultaneously. The characters, story, acting, writing all top notch, but it's the beauty of the cinematography, use of music, color, light & shadow, and symbolism that push it over the top. The music is AMAZING!


Here's why the hype:

The characters. Some of the most interesting, strange, intriguing characters to ever be on TV played by some truly powerhouse actors.

The writing. Cooper has his coffee "black as midnight on a moonless night." Come on, it's awesome.

The music. Possibly one of the most creepy, beautiful theme songs of all time.

The story. There never was and there never will be (in my opinion) a storyline that was as perfect as this one.

It had everything. It was funny, it was heartwarming, it was sad, it was terrifying. It ran the gamut and it did all of it perfectly.

The strangeness. If you weren't one of the lucky folk to have watched this when it first aired, imagine being used to watching nothing but shows like Charlie's Angels, Andy Griffith, etc...and then imagine The Man From Another Place dancing in that red room. It pretty much blows your mind. This is why the show became so popular so fast. It started out normal and turned people's expectations upside down and sideways.

It's groundbreaking. Until Twin Peaks, TV had been filled with shows where the characters remained the same, but each episode was an entity unto itself or might have referenced each other, but didn't flow. Even dramas didn't require a huge emotional investment from people. Twin Peaks changed all of that. It played like a movie, episodes ended in cliffhangers, you became attached to characters, people tuned in to find out what happened next instead of one episode ending and the next picking up with an entire different storyline. Because this method of storytelling was so successful, it changed TV as we knew it and other shows started adopting the same method (X-Files, Lost, Breaking Bad, etc.) until now that is almost all of what makes up TV dramas today.

Even if you don't like Twin Peaks, it must be give credit for being one of the strangest, most interesting, influential shows that was ever on TV.


And I completely disagree that season 2 wasn't as good as season 1. Some of the best moments of the show are in season 2.


Agree. The first 9 or so episodes of season 2 is the best stretch of this show, but after that it takes a nosedive until the finale. There's about a 10 episode stretch there after episode 9 with some almost laughably bad story lines.


I can't say whether the show has aged well because it's been years since I've watched any significant portion. Still, it's one of those things where you had to be in that moment at that time when it aired (or if you're just a Lynch fan or a fan of weird/cult movies, you'll probably like it). At the time, nothing quite like this had been done on TV, nothing with its particular combination of ingredients and sense of style, moodiness, weirdness, mystery, and attention to an original musical score. Today you find tons of shows that are in this space.
