Why all the hype?

I made it through the first season and three episodes into the second season and stopped. I really wanted to like this show, as it came highly recommended by people whose opinions I trust. Just lost interest.

I'm not here to criticize it harshly or say it's terrible, I just want to know what others see that I don't. Why is this show so hyped? I want to understand.


Bob is like the Devil.. so kinda like God in reverse.. but it's not all what it seems.. because the dream scenes are strange.. the good guys and bad guys appear in the dream world..

Actually the David Lynch universe is quite fascinating if you watch all the films made after the series..

TBH I haven't seen much of his films made before Twin Peaks.. but they look a bit dull.. it's like he didn't start making really good films until he made Twin Peaks..

I'm sure the films he made before are good.. I just never seen them..


good coffee and trees


Perhaps some spoiler included.

I am now a pensioner an remember this being on over 25 years ago now when I was often working a long day or chilling after that long day in a bar. So never got invested.

Due to watching Wayward Pines with which I do not have any serious gripe about the implausible [I accept that we have invented Faster Than Light FTL as a means of futuristic transport, or Stargates or Superheroes] so how can I not accept the premises of Wayward Pines, a comment about a similarity to Twin Peaks got me interested. So the download began and last night I watched the double episode setting up the story.

While this is looking like an awful murder of a pretty young popular girl crime to be solved I see it will have definite shift in Genre.

Well I do not see what any HYPE is about as such. So far I see little in the way of suspense grabbing as it moves slowly. The filming, the sets, and the way the actors say their lines is almost amateurish as in very budget movies.

I will persevere on the basis that it was a well received series in its day and comment upon regularly as well as the haunting music which may have also been a regular feature in radio station playlists or suchlike.

Perhaps the idea of flashbacks may well be the innovative difference to the normal fare. The teasing reveal of a characters back story or life. I see comments about how it may have gone too far away from what the viewer signed up to see but that wont put me off.

I have also just started watching LOST and am now going into episode four. Now this has grabbed me quite hard and is the opposite of all the negatives I have given about Twin Peaks. At the moment the repeated flashback of the Plane breaking up and descending is so well done with moments that are particular to various characters each tome we see it it is not monotonous.

While I will watch I do not see why the great plaudits or the almost cultist following.


I have also just started watching LOST and am now going into episode four. Now this has grabbed me quite hard and is the opposite of all the negatives I have given about Twin Peaks. At the moment the repeated flashback of the Plane breaking up and descending is so well done with moments that are particular to various characters each tome we see it it is not monotonous.

I loved LOST, and I am in fact, currently re-watching it. The first season especially is superb. As a series it is overlong, but went out quite well. LOST has a lot of things in common with Twin Peaks (and it is obviously one of those shows that owe a debt to it, for making shows like this possible)

- small, wondrous (supernatural and "special") and somewhat confined place and/or society where things happen
- a very big cast of characters (which only grows in later seasons), of which new background info (usually at least quite shady) is coming into light, episode by episode
- offbeat, random humor (the whole Scott and Steve-thing could have happened in Twin Peaks)

Between LOST and Twin Peaks though, there is no comparison for me. The thing with LOST though was that it was the first such enigma tv show that I was able to watch almost the same time as the viewers in USA, and it wrapped me up in its mysteries (of which I wont go into here because I don't want to spoil you) and the story of the island. The whole week my bf and I pondered what would happen next, what does this and that mean, and the times between the seasons? Torture, but a most lovely kind.


I see little balls of sunshine in a bag!


Twin Peaks remains one of the most bizarre shows to ever make it to TV. I loved every minute of it...but admittedly I am into weird stuff.



I sometimes loved the fact that it seemed a different kind of show with a unique soul and atmosphere but other times I was put off by it and this special vibe would turn into cheap eccentricity and goofiness (the soul trapped inside the drawer knob or the lifesize chess pieces to name a few examples). It left me an uneven impression but I think it was totally worth it.


I like it because it's not formulaic like most network tv shows nowadays.


I'm with you man, had to watch it college for a class. I can't stand it. I think its like one of the other posters said that it aged badly.
