Why all the hype?

I made it through the first season and three episodes into the second season and stopped. I really wanted to like this show, as it came highly recommended by people whose opinions I trust. Just lost interest.

I'm not here to criticize it harshly or say it's terrible, I just want to know what others see that I don't. Why is this show so hyped? I want to understand.


-- An endlessly watchable lead character: Dale Cooper.
-- An undeniably sexy heroine: Audrey Horne.
-- It's one of the few TV shows that is, on occasion, genuinely scary and creepy.
-- Good sense of humor.
-- A great soundtrack.
-- A colorful cast of supporting characters.
-- A willingness to go weird / dark that's still a rarity in television 15 years later.


--- Fantastic deep, dense, multi-layered concurrent plot arcs
--- Beautiful camera work & cinematography
--- Exceptional production values (feature level)
--- Wonderful dialogue and scripting
--- Exceptional performances from an exceptional cast
--- A loving attention to detail throughout

The show was years ahead of its time. It was the archetype boxset drama, before there were boxset dramas. Lynch and the production team took big budget feature film values and techniques and found a way to make them work perfectly in the TV medium. The first time it had ever been done. A feat arguably only matched decades later, if at all.

Go on Stanley, stick one in Jane Russell & win a goldfish.


--- Exceptional performances from an exceptional cast

I truly want to understand the first part of this statement.

Is there a single take with good acting in the show? I can remember a few, but most of them, imho, are horrible. I know the actors from other shows and, yes, some are good, but exceptional performances? The acting itself made me dislike the whole show, because it unfortunately matters to me if most of them are bad. I agree with the rest you said.


I view it differently.
If you take, as a whole, the performance of each of the lead characters across the show, IMHO you will struggle to find a bad one.

It is not the job of the actor to make each take a "great" take.
What constitutes "great" at such a micro level is also highly subjective.

I think a better, more complete view is in looking at the performance of each actor in its entirety.

They are all fairly complex, multi-layered characters, and I'd say as viewers we end up pretty well invested in each of them. THAT is the job of the actor. Not the minutiae of individual "takes" (to borrow your nomenclature).

Go on Stanley, stick one in Jane Russell & win a goldfish.


Of course, it's not for everyone.

Die hards will probably confess to being under something like a spell. It's more than a good TV show. It's a world, silly as that sounds.

Log Lady lives


It's a world, silly as that sounds.

Oh, definitely! And ditto for being under a spell. The older I get, the more I love Twin Peaks. To me it's the best man made thing there is. And what makes it special, along with the other stuff already mentioned here, is the atmosphere.

There is nothing quite like it I think; it is melancholy, mysterious, absurd, haunting and scary as feck. At one moment you are scared, the next you're laughing out loud, then sad...and then the cycle starts all over again.


I see little balls of sunshine in a bag!


Very well put. I am one those who just somehow got all mesmerized and I can't even really say why or what it is about the show. It just captivated me.

Yo momma


Thats it!


My explanation for the endearment : picture yourself in a castle with many many doors and they give you many many keys. each opening only one door... But they tell you each door will open on a crucial clue to the enigma.
The music that's playing has a hold on you and the place is so well decorated that your eyes want more...
That's why I have been watching it regularly ever since.

😈 Love is in the air ? Get out the gas mask ! 😈


Who is hyping it? It’s a show from 25 years ago that has a cult following.

Your film gods: Lee Van Cleef and Laura Gemser


First of all i'd like to thank you all for the mature replies. It would have been easy to curse me out or say I have no taste, etc, etc.

I appreciate your insights. They did help me to understand the show better. The reason I was put off was because I went into the series with mismanaged expectations. Someone said "it's like a whodunnit, but the killer is identified early on and then it shifts into a supernatural type of show". Having waited all of season 1 for that to play out, i think you can understand why i wasnt happy with it.


You're welcome. And your post was formulated in such a way that it was clear you were not " trolling" πŸ˜‰
I'm sad you could not enjoy TP, but maybe you'll come back to it some day.

😈 Love is in the air ? Get out the gas mask ! 😈


It's definitely not for everyone. But you might want to know that you were only four episodes away from finding out whodunit!

After that, the show's quality takes a nosedive, largely due to the two creators no longer guiding it.


I'm almost done with the 2nd season and I am glad they did not pursue this further. This show turned too much into a soap opera.

http://www.cgonzales.net & http://www.drxcreatures.com


Some people think this show is high art and extremely funny. Usually types that believe they are highly intellectual get into shows or films like this...they love Lynch. It's just flat out weird and mildly funny.


treeskier - did you write that without your tongue in your cheek?


There are many reasons why I like Twin Peaks. I like the setting especially. I like that the small town that seems safe and cozy on the surface but is really actually messed up. I felt that this served as a great metaphor for America in general.

I love the music especially. The score is just sublime. Badalementi is the master. Julee Cruise really brings a lot to the show as well. The music is ethereal, melancholy, heartfelt, intense. The way Cruise performs her songs is just so moving. She expresses so much despair and longing and does it so beautifully.

The ways in which mysticism, the supernatural, and dreams are incorporated into the universe of the show are surreal, at times moving and at times terrifying, are brilliantly done. All of these elements further convey the eeriness of the sleepy town. I like the ways in which this sort of thing serve as pieces of the town's unconsciousness coming to the surface.

Quite a few characters are compelling and complex. While I do appreciate the humor and wit of Dale Cooper and that we get to see more of his darker self as the show progresses, I find Laura Palmer to be the heart and soul of the show. The mystery that surrounds her, who she really was, is what drew me into this world. I have to say that I love the film because we get to see Laura's perspective and we get to see her gain some agency when she stands up to her father. I am in the camp that feels that the show needs the film more than the film needs the show. To me, the film makes the show so much more deep and complex and it's because of the development Laura receives.


I've revisited the show and again find that it's not my cup of tea. I have a friend who is a huge fan, but he thinks Lynch is a genius. I don't find Lynch to be a genius at all...just weird. It's fine if you enjoy this kind of thing, but it's not for everyone. Twin Peaks is as much a spoof of soap operas as it is to a murder mystery. The characters are all pretty odd, not very realistic.

It's fine that people love the show, but like the OP...I'm one who wasn't able to really get into it.

I read that a continuation of Twin Peaks is planned for 2017. Since I've watched the show, I may check it out. Perhaps this world will grow on me...I'll give it another chance.


I'm a huge Lynch fan and I struggled through some parts of the show, particularly early in the second season. It didn't even seem like something Lynch would do at times. As some of the other posters pointed out, there was kind of a soap opera feel to it. I get that it was supposed to be somewhat of a parody, but it was like a good joke that went on a little too long. That, and some of the characters were ridiculously over the top while contributing little to nothing to the story. With that being said, there were some aspects that I really enjoyed. The latter half of the second season picked back up again and had that dark, eerie atmosphere that Lynch is so good at creating. Also, MacLachlan and Ontkean were excellent in their roles. All in all I'm glad I watched it, and I'll definitely check out the third season. Not my favorite work by Lynch though (Lost Highway is, in case you were wondering).
