MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > The Bizarro Jerry Show - episodes

The Bizarro Jerry Show - episodes

"The Voice" - Kevin does a voice in front of the guys that is meant to represent his new girlfriend's stomach. They all immediately think it's silly and that's the end of that.
Nina breaks up with her boyfriend and resists the temptation to backslide into having sex with him again.
Gene realizes that his leg is all better and turns down his boss' offer for private use of the good bathroom.
Feldman hires an intern to help him develop the clock that tells you the weather in the morning.


"The Chaperone" - Gene is now working for the Yankees, keeping to his duties and not coming up with various "improvements" for the team.
Nina gets a job as personal assistant to Mr. Pitt and she cheerfully tolerates every petty demand of his.
Kevin and Feldman help coach a Miss America contestant to victory!


"The Soup Nazi" - They all visit a soup stand and obey the strict rules out of courtesy.
Nina buys an armoire on the street and Feldman helps guard it after Nina learns she can't move it into her building until Monday. Feldman even fights off two furniture-loving toughs.
Kevin and his girlfriend have cutesy nicknames for each other, but they cool it when they're around others so as not to annoy them.
When the Soup Nazi decides to move and give away his remaining soup, Kevin and Vargas help each other cart some of it home in a big pot.


"The Chinese Restaurant" - Kevin, Nina, and Gene wait for a table at a Chinese restaurant: Kevin planning to join his uncle later and Gene hoping to get in touch with his date Tatiana. The three are led to their table after a couple of minutes of waiting and they soon are joined by Tatiana (who received Gene's message) and then Feldman.


you should try doing something like this on twitter. if you don't already.


Thanks, lol. I'm just amused at how dull this spin-off would be with the characters so nice and well-behaved!


i could see it on twitter with a tiny picture of gene or feldman.


"The Fire" - Feldman and Nina's friend from Pendant Publising, Toby, boos Kevin during one of his gigs at a comedy club. Kevin keeps himself from becoming flustered and ends up with a good review from a magazine critic.
Nina gets a promotion at the publishing firm; this upsets Toby who dashes out to the street, but is halted by Feldman before she runs into the oncoming traffic.
Gene is dating a woman who has a young son. At the kid's birthday party, Gene notices smoke billowing from the kitchen. Gene remains calm and directs everyone outside in an orderly fashion.


"The Junior Mint" - Kevin dates a woman whose name happens to be "Mulva." There is no way Kevin will forget that name!
Nina's ex, an artist named Roy, is in the hospital for an operation. Kevin and Feldman are able to watch it in the viewing gallery. Feldman offers Kevin some Junior Mint candy. A shocked Kevin tells him it's inappropriate to have brought that with him. A cowed Feldman agrees and puts the box of candy away.
Gene is tempted to buy some of Roy's art, but when Roy takes a turn for the worse Gene believes it would be in bad taste to capitalize on the artist's possible death. Sadly Roy doesn't make it. Maybe he needed some help from above.
