MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > Did you watch Seinfeld when it originall...

Did you watch Seinfeld when it originally was on?

I did not. I remember seeing it here and there, but its humor went over my head. I was into Married with Children.

I remember in the fifth grade, about 1993, my friend Billy Hirsch loved this and Frasier. He had a rat tail and was a lot smarter than I was. I couldn't see what he liked in these shows, but as I said, he was a lot smarter than I (and he probably still is, wherever he is.)

It wasn't till it was off the air, around '99 or 2000 that it began to appeal to me more. Now, this and Frasier stand as two of the greatest, funniest sitcoms of all-time. I was too young, maybe.

God giveth and the DMV taketh away!


I think I was the right age when it came on, in my 20s. Going by my kids, when they were 10 or so, it wasn't appropriate for them, and if they did happen to walk by while I was watching, they quickly went back to SpongeBob.

The humor and situations are geared toward adults, and as the series ages, the references do also. While Seinfeld defined the the 90s, it was loaded with 70s and 80s references as well, and those might sail over the heads of some younger viewers.

I am constantly amazed at how well the series has held up though. It proves what superior writing can do. After 2 decades it's still finding new audiences. As my kids became older teenagers and started to "get it" and watch it regularly, they were shocked to learn the series ended before they were born. They don't follow every reference, but the interaction of the characters, the George rants, the Kramer antics, the weaving in of the side characters, all make the show timeless.

wait for iiiit


I was in my early 30s. I already liked Jerry Seinfeld, having seen him on various talk shows. I was a fan of the show from the get-go, but my memories of watching the early episodes is pretty dim. I do remember when it became a monster hit, NBC Thursday Night was the best night on TV and promoted as such, see

Thursday Night has never been the same. One reason must be that it is now a night when many younger people go out.


i watched some of it. sounds like we're about the same age so i was very young when it first started.
in the early years i remember seeing promos and one of my older siblings was raving about it, and by the 3rd season i began to watch and enjoy it more myself. by the 6th season i was quite hooked but still had quite to catch up so most of my TRUE addiction phase was also only after the show ended its original run.


I remember in the fifth grade, about 1993, my friend Billy Hirsch loved this and Frasier. He had a rat tail and was a lot smarter than I was. I couldn't see what he liked in these shows, but as I said, he was a lot smarter than I (and he probably still is, wherever he is.)

Now he's sittin' around in a chair by a window going, "My name is Billy"



caught it on reruns on tbs. about season 7-ish. then watching it from the start was amazed how it wasn't canceled after any of the 1st 3 years. really unwatchable those early years. jerry must have either been a gigolo for the suits at nbc or something.

i only watch seasons 7 and up. i am a man of principle.

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


No, and I have no idea why I'd always change the channel when it was on tv. I watched everything else back then, and certainly got into a number of other NBC sitcoms. 


I basically grew up watching Seinfeld. My parents were fans, and I would watch it with them when I could. I first started making sure to watch every new episode when season 8 began. I think it's because that's when I was first allowed to stay up late enough to see it at 9 PM I think. But before that I was watching it in reruns for a while. As a kid, I mostly watched it for Kramer, whose physical humor reaches folks of all ages. As I got older I started to appreciate all the of the comedy it had to offer.

"You gotta punch the clock, why don't you punch your boss?"


I first saw it on regular tv around Season 2, I think "The Heart Attack" was the earliest one I can remember seeing on its first showing.

After, I always tried to catch first episodes, but the 90's were my "drug years", so sometimes I missed episodes to do other things. I started watching religiously the last couple of seasons.


Considering two things which are (1) the show was different than anything else on TV at the time and (2) you were just a kid and this show didn't really have the broad humor of say Married...with Children, I'd say that it was perfectly understandable for you not to enjoy the show at that age.

I saw most of the show during it's initial run. I just turned 18 when it really aired, which was spring of 1990. It was very interesting but it wasn't quite yet Seinfeld as we know it. Kramer was a shut-in. George wasn't as neurotic. And so on. It also wasn't a really big hit. In fact, it was failing in the ratings.

By the time of "The Statue" episode--in which Kramer kind of became Kramer, I was dying laughing like I hadn't in years.

Kramer: "Make love to that wall, pervert!"

Ray: "You a cop?"

Kramer: Yeah, I'm a cop. A damn good cop!"

Man, I hadn't seen anything like that on a sitcom ever! I loved Cheers! before that and laughed frequently, but not keeling over laughing like what the hell did I just see!

And then of course there were the rest: Keith Hernandez, Kramer turning lesbians straight (you never saw any mention of lesbians on TV, not like today, and my family lived in Greenwich Village, which is basically where the gay right thing got started and so it had more relevance to me back then as it did not to most people), and just on and on.

It was a show that eventually took off and eventually people started talking about at the proverbial water cooler, esp. when it came out in reruns
