MovieChat Forums > Tango & Cash (1989) Discussion > why did this film fail ?

why did this film fail ?

As above


It didn't fail, only cost 55 million to make, made over 60 mill in the box office with an additional 30 mill in rental/dvd sales.


they better took more time to add some extra's with their 30 mill



Since announcing Tango & Cash in the last column, I have discovered that the film isn’t anywhere near as forgotten as I had imagined, though it still has a reputation for being a commercial failure, and a failure in general, even though it was the 20th top-grossing film of 1989, just behind Field Of Dreams. That might be attributable to its troubled production history, or its huge budget, or the fact that Stallone and Russell each have a canon of movies that are considered classics. Before watching it, I didn’t think Tango & Cash belonged in either man’s canon. Now I feel differently.


because it was so awful?

"When you dance with the devil, you wait for the song to stop."


This film was fantastic !! It is my favourite film of all time. Kurt Russel and Stallone played it perfectly


>>This film was fantastic !! It is my favourite film of all time. Kurt Russel and Stallone played it perfectly

agreed - one of Stallones best films ... took me forever to dig up an uncut copy of this film (which is on VHS)


I dig this film. I bought it as soon as it hit DVD.

The chemistry between Stallone and Russell is great. They don't take themselves too seriously and have what looks like a good time. There were no shortage of buddy movies at the time (is there ever?), and they made fun of themselves and their previous action hero exploits.

Once upon a time, I hoped for a sequel.



where are they now ?





It failed because you clearly don't like it!

Simple as!
Nothing we say or do will change you mind!

I peronsally thing it was good film, definately NOT one of Sly or Kurts best but Absolutley a great film!





Thank you! Grade A+? No
Grade A-, loaded with cheesecake, beefcake, and action up the yazoo?! HELL yes! You


Don't think it failed, It's pretty much slipped into B-Action movie status now but Its one of my favorite Cop Action movies.


Uh? fails?? says who?? you ?? It's just one of the best action comedy of all times... yup, it really fails miserably!



The film was a hit, something even I forgot, landing in the overall top 20 highest grossing domestic films at the end of it's release year 1989 (it was the 20th highest grossing film of the year to be exact). However the fact that it wasn't a megahit, for me, comes down to two basic reasons and the first one falls down on it's leading men.

As was the case with LOCK UP that year, Rambo III the year before and even moreso Over The Top the year before that, Sly, for whatever reasons, was steadily declining as a box office attraction in the US, internationally things were great as always, but at home Stallone hadn't retained the mass appeal he'd had in 1985 with Rambo and Rock sequels. His co-star Kurt Russell, one of the great underrated talents, wasn't exactly a consistent box-office draw (if sadly he was ever one to begin with) and as an example of how he was perceived and treated by studios during the late 80s period lost the lead role in BULL DURHAM (which he helped develop) to the then newly A-list Kevin Costner simply because the studio didn't think Russell would draw audiences.

Secondly 1989 was a very competitive year at the box office which saw summer blockbusters and/or sequels dominating the charts more than they'd ever done before (in other words the beginning of what our box office hits yearly look like today). Whatever one thinks of the film I believe those factors contributed to it not going as 'mega' as some would have liked.


It still made over 60 million, which is definitely respectable. I thought it made less than that, so I was quite happy it was over 60. Not too mention it was the 5th Highest Grossing Rated R movie of 1989, which is saying something.


According to IMDB it was released in late December which is kinda odd for an action romp like Tango and Cash. A spring/summer release might have been better for the movie. Then again, the '89 summer was loaded with hits like Batman, Indiana Jones III, Lethal Weapon II, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and Ghostbusters II. Maybe pushing it back a few months to the 1990 summer would have been the best alternative.


Bishop of Battle

I think Summer 1990 would have been far worse. That summer had Total Recall, Robocop 2, Die Hard 2, Gremlins 2, Dick Tracy, Back to the Future 3, Arachnophobia, Ghost, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Flatliners, and..... um I feel like I'm leaving 2 or 3 out here. But yeah 1990 summer was just as packed.


I think it was the marketing. When I saw this trailer in the movie theater I assumed it was about two cops who went through the whole movie dressed up in women's clothes. I kid you not, that trailer tanked this movie before it was even released theatrically. No one wants to see a cross dressing cop movie unless they enjoy watching Edward D. Wood, Jr. movies such as "Glen or Glenda?".

I just saw this movie for the first time and I was astonished at what an awesome movie this was. Kurt Russell in a dress took all of thirty seconds of screen time.

It's all in the marketing!

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Wow can't believe I made this thread 6 years ago



Yeah time flies does it not? I remember being a young boy the age of five or so watching this with my older sister. I am actually watching now as I type. Great movie and alot of good quotes to have fun with friends on top of it all.
