MovieChat Forums > The 'Burbs (1989) Discussion > Anyone else wish it had ended like five ...

Anyone else wish it had ended like five minute earlier?

Watched it for the first time in decades (only movie in the trailer with Carrie Fisher in it, RIP), forgot how funny it is.

I just kinda wish it had ended earlier, or wrapped up differently. Aside from how they gave themselves up when they were in the clear making little sense, the movie would have had more of a point to it about paranoia and jumping to conclusions. The "it's not them, it's us" speech is undermined by them actually bring killers, and it is a good speech.


You'd be interested to know there were two endings filmed . The shorter ending is on YouTube . I'm too lazy to link it . Watch it and see what you think .


Didn't quite like it. Awkwardly paced and the focus on Art being shunned out and depressed was just weird.


Finding the bones in the trunk bothers me. If they're cannibals, and they have a car trunk full of bones, why do they need a cremation oven?


Maybe it was to burn the flesh, but not hot enough to get did of bones. I was wondering who else was in that bag since it was littered with human remains


I feel the same. It should’ve ended with them going to jail. Making the neighbors villains undermined the film.
