MovieChat Forums > Tales from the Crypt (1989) Discussion > What was this episode?! Help!

What was this episode?! Help!

I remember watching one of these episodes where a group of people on a boat go to an island, something happens to the boat - forcing them to get in the water to get to shore. Something squid like attacks one of the guys by lashing its tentacle onto his leg. He gets away. His leg is burned and seared. That night he wakes up to go into the water and as he does he transforms into this demon looking beast and proceeds to go after the rest of the group. Does anybody remember this episode?!?!


I've seen or atleast I think I've seen every episode of TFTC and that episode doesnt sound familar. But from what you described it sounds like a good sounds more like a movie rather than a TV show.


It isn't a Tales From the Crypt episode or even a Tales From the Darkside episode. Not sure. Could it have been Monsters? I haven't seen many episodes of that show, so I wouldn't know, but it was on around the same time as those two shows.


I could've swore it was from TFTC. But it had a very X-Files type vibe but I'm pretty sure it's not that. I remember seeing it as a little kid in the mid 90's and thought it was the coolest/scariest episode ever. I can still picture the scenes perfectly in my head and even asked a guy at a Blockbuster Video if he ever heard of it. It's going to drive me insane until I find it. Appreciate you guys helping me look - maybe one of these days I'll remember


I also remember they have these injections that can turn the demon creature back to human and at the very end the survivors fight it off, one man is stuck in a room with it, a fight ensues, and all we can hear are noises from behind a closed door. After a few moments the survivors push the door open and we see that the the man that was attacked in the ocean and changed into this thing, is back in human form with the injections stuck in him panting heavily and relieved. The episode ends.


Did you ever figure out what show this was from? Sounds very interesting.

