MovieChat Forums > The Simpsons (1989) Discussion > Did I imagine this episode?

Did I imagine this episode?

I haven't seen the show in a loooong time, but I recall an episode where Marge (possibly even Homer) created a device that can decipher what babies were saying and it would translate to audio. I swear this episode exists but I have only the slightest recollection of it and I may be getting this confused with another cartoon.


Yes it does exist. It was Homer's brother Herb, voiced by Danny Devito, that invented the baby translator.

Season 3, episode 24 "Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?"


Ah, thanks. I know I haven't seen that episode a lot, but it feel like I made it up.


You're welcome 😊 I've recently started watching the show again. I have so many seasons to catch up on though 😫
