MovieChat Forums > Coming to America (1988) Discussion > What the h3ll is 'colorism'?

What the h3ll is 'colorism'?

Are we supposed to think people are colorless?

We are all colorful people, a temporary packaging of us (the physical body) or its most superficial layer's color, as wrongly as people describe it, does not define us or anything about colors.

To me, it's OFFENDING that some group of people is called 'colored' - ah, sorry, meant to say 'people of color' (AS IF THERE IS ANY DIFFERENCE, you hypocrite bstrds!), which implies that other people are COLORLESS or people that are not "OF COLOR".

Why is the word 'color' even used to describe people? Any color is still color. Are there GREY people? If we really want to get to semantics, would it be more reasonable that 'black' would be COLORLESS rather than COLORFUL? After all, if you take pitch black, it has no light - there is no such thing as 'black light' in literal sense, only as a term describing something else.

Black surface can be either said to contain all colors, or no colors, depending how you see it. White reflects ALL colors, because it contains all wavelengths simultaneously. This means, black would be a 'non-color'.

In my opinion, black is still a color, and so if you want a 'non-color', you would have to go grey.

In any case, as we can see how many interpretations there can be for 'colorful people', and we haven't even touched rainbows or the 'girls can wear anything, boys can only wear blue, black, grey and very dim green and red'.

Why should only ONE interpretation be allowed or accepted?

Seriously, what the H3LL is 'colorism'??

Colors are beautiful, colors are everywhere, from atomic to galactic and grander levels. Colors are in every dimension. Colors are vibration, and all existence is vibration.

What's wrong with being colorful?

Why would the outermost layer of a temporary physical vessel define anyone as 'colorful' or 'non-colorful'? What is this movie doing that has anything to do with colors anyway?

Every chakra has a vibrant color, and we all have chakras. This means, that just by THAT definition, we are all 'colored' or 'people of color'.

If we need to talk about people racially or pigment-specifically, why can't we just use the scientific terminology or just describe the TRUTHFUL color of the skin? Why do we have to tiptoe so much around this topic, why all these stupid euphemisms? Aren't we adults that can take a little 'racialism' as long as no one wants to oppress us based on it?

There are no white or black people - maybe some albino in some Eskimo village can truthfully said to have a white skin in their temporary physical body's outermost layer. Truly black skin is also pretty rare, most people that are called 'black' have more like 'brown skin' than black. Same goes for 'white' being more like 'pink' or even 'orange' sometimes, than white.

But even if this skin color was accurate, how the fjord is anyone defined by the outermost layer of their temporary physical bio-vehicle anyway, when we are SO MUCH MORE as human beings than just the shade or hue of a layer!

People on this planet are friggin' crazy, and this TMC guy is not helping matters.



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