MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > She did look like someone from Planet of...

She did look like someone from Planet of the Apes!

I know that it is really wrong to say that, but she does! I think Roseanne should have been told to apologise and leave it at that.



Yep Roseanne sure looks like an APE to me.


Haven't we all evolved from apes?


Not based on what I see on the internet.


Nah...chin’s too weak.

I just think it’s pathetic listening to that smug bitch Valerie Jarrett blame President Cheetohead as if he’s responsible for the words that come out of Miss Fatso’s TWEETs.

I suppose he’s responsible for every fucking racist in America as well.

Reading Leftist posts are hilarious...because they DO blame Trump.

But ask them if they blame Obama for the anti-law enforcement sentiment of his administration and the countless cops(of all races) murdered in the waning years of his administration.


They also claim it doesn’t matter if a PRIVATEly owned bakery doesn’t wanna bake a “gay wedding” cake and they should be forced to do so or lose their business...yet in the same breath...they claim Facebook has the right to censor Conservative material because...”they’re a PRIVATE company”.

They’re too fucking stupid to see how that could possibly be a double-standard.


I think the apes were offended by Roseanne's comment.

Apes have feelings too.


Aren't the apes in Planet of the Apes MORE intelligent than humans?


So a compliment?


Yes. Also the apes are clearly c a u c a s i a n .
