I HAVE this movie!!!

I don't know how many people might still be searching for this movie, but I do have a vhs tape I made from the original network broadcast, and can copy it to dvd if someone wanted it. It is NOT up to today's HD standards, but is in good condition, very watchable and highly enjoyable!!!


I don't know if you're still checking replies to your post, but if so, I'm interested in a copy of the movie as well. Thanks! [email protected]


Looking for a copy of this movie. My girlfriend will love you forever! If anyone has it, Email [email protected]

Thanks! :D


hi i would love to have a copy
i watched it only once. i was 10 and now im 27 and i always remembered it
my email is [email protected]


I am interested in a copy of this movie. Please email me at [email protected] with any details. Thank You


Has anyone got a reply from the OP recently? To the OP, I want a copy too. Also sent you PM. To see it, go to the top right corner of the page, next to my profile, favorites, etc., click PRIVATE MESSAGES.


Do you still have this movie and the ability to copy it? I would LOVE to get it, it is one of my family's all time favorites!![email protected]


Do you still have this movie? I'd love to have a copy!


Is it too late to request a copy of this movie. I am happy to pay shipping and whatever it costs to make a copy on a DVD.
please email me [email protected]



Hi, I'm not sure if you still check this or not, but I'd love to have a copy too. I haven't seen this in forever! My email is [email protected]. Thanks!!!
