I HAVE this movie!!!

I don't know how many people might still be searching for this movie, but I do have a vhs tape I made from the original network broadcast, and can copy it to dvd if someone wanted it. It is NOT up to today's HD standards, but is in good condition, very watchable and highly enjoyable!!!


Hello Kale1308,

I have been searching for this movie for ages. Not only because it liked it and watched it many times, also because it was filmed at my high school (Glendale High in Glendale California) when I was a sophomore. I remember when they were filming some sections of the school were off limits. And back then nobody knew who Heather Graham or Todd Field was, they were still new. Wow, that was so long ago. The scene where the cheerleaders are sitting on the bleachers were actual Glendale high cheerleaders, not actors. The one with the long dark hair was actually my sister’s friend Jessica. I would really appreciate a copy if you can. Please email me at [email protected]. Many thanks.


Hi. I watched this movie some years ago and i'm glad I could find information about it at imdb. That movie is much better than a lot of lame teenage movies that Hollywood produces nowadays. The plot reminds me a liitle bit of a true love story between two acquaintances of mine.


Hi Kalel308,

I have also been looking for this movie FOREVERRRRRRRRRRR. Would be great if I can get a copy of it. My sister would go crazy. Please email at [email protected]. Thanks!!!


I would love a copy of this movie. My email address is [email protected]


Did any one receive a copy? Else I would just love one to, my mom has been driving me insane to find this movie, so if anyone could help me that would be great. My email is [email protected]
And a merry Christmas to all.


i would ABSOLUTELY love to have this movie!!! i haven't seen it in probably 15 years, and would love to watch it again. please get back to me asap and let me know what i would need to do to get this. thanks :-)



Thanks a lot for offering people a copy like you have. I would also be very interested in a copy. Just let us all know what you'd need or like in return.

[email protected]


I would love to have a copy!!!

[email protected]

You know how to whistle don't you? You just put your lips together and blow.


Hi Kalel308,
My daughter has been looking for a copy of this for ages since accidently giving her precious copy to the local charity shop. I would love it as a little extra surprise for her birthday on the 24th February. Please contact [email protected]
Many thanks


Wow!! I first started looking for this movie 5 years ago and then gave up. My sister would die if she got to see this again. I have no idea how many people have asked you to make them copies, but please do not ignore this if you are burnt out. How much have you been charging?

Please please please reply.
[email protected]
thank you!!!


If you still have a copy of the movie, can you email me on how to get a copy of it? My email is: [email protected]
