MovieChat Forums > Moonstruck (1988) Discussion > The getting-dressed scene

The getting-dressed scene

I love this movie, but man, I hate the scene when Loretta comes home with her purchases and wobbles around the living room to cheesy music.

In a movie full of authentic behavior, this was such a fake scene. I'd be willing to bet that no woman in the history of the world ever got ready for a date like that.

Yeah, we might put on the cheesy music, but we don't go prowling around the living room like panthers!


I really love this film on the whole, but I dislike this scene. I don't care about her wobbling or any cheesy music, and didn't notice either one.

What I dislike about it is that I believed Cher as Loretta up until this scene, where she suddenly transformed into Cher playing a role, and I hated that. Up until then, I bought her as Loretta.

The two main objections on this board I've read are that Cage's acting is bad (really?! it's supposed to be over the top and camp), and that Cher is "so much older" than Cage (again, really? she doesn't look it, and even if she did, so what? there have been TONS of older man/younger woman films over many decades, and no one bats an eye over it or bothers to comment about it).

This one annoying scene aside, IMO Moonstruck is a classic and nearly perfect.
