Green four was awesome

Anyone else agree with me that I would not mess around with that butler?

He kicked ass and nearly stopped the milkie on his own!


he was da man

did you also watch it on ITV?


He looked a bit like John hurt when he was getting his face burned off. Poor fellow.


Great scene but wasn't it a tad convenient that M and the other left just in time to avoid being attacked ?


very lucky!



The fight between him and Necros was brilliant.

It was great to see that other men were talented and that it wasn't a case of the assassin only running into a worthy adversary when he encountered Bond.

Go Green Four. At least he wasn't killed.

"Small moves Ellie, small moves"


The fact that he met the enemy head on and lived to tell about it is a testament to his awesomeness. It's nice to know than not ever British agent (aside from Bond) is a redshirt.

A funny anecdote: when I was a young kid (I was around 11 at the time that this movie came out)my friends and I were having a playful brawl and as we ganged up to beat on the smallest kid in our group he hit the ground and we piled on him and he started singing "Wheeeeerrrreeeee has everybody gone!". True story- and I always think about that whenever I watch this movie.


that fight scene was brilliant. I'd go as far as to say TLD had some of the best fight scenes in the series (Green 4 vs Necros, Bond vs Afghan jailer, and Bond vs Necros) next to Bond vs Red Grant in From Russia With Love


it is threads like this one that make me come back to the message lovers like me pointing out little details like that, that are very rare in films in general

Trolls dont have an opinion....just an urge to compensate their frustration about themselves!!!


Good fight scenes but the one from goldeneye was good too. Imagine Dalton taking on Sean Bean.


I totally agree. The kitchen fight scene is one of the best parts of the movie.


I still remember reading a review of The Living Daylights with the line "the best kitchen fight scene since the Gremlins got microwaved."


Your post makes me want to search out, and discover more kitchen fight scenes in order to rank them according to their awesomeness.
