Sequl without the mother

Since this movie diverted so much from the book anyway, a sequel departing from the books could have been possible. Cathy could have gone back for revenge on the grandmother.



It could have taken place a few years later, after she grew up.

Plus, she wouldn't need to physically fight her. There are other ways to get revenge.


Lifetime made the sequel but it was horrible just like their version of Flowers In The Attic. I personally didn’t watch it but read others saying it was just as bad.


They made movies for the rest of the sequels too.


I wasn’t aware of that but I do know they did one of My Sweet Audrina. I love that book so much. I may have misspelled it. I hated that version too. It’s sad they are butchering such good books.


I remember My Sweet Audrina. I never read it but one of my aunts had a copy of it.

Lifetime has never been the crème de la crème when it comes to making stellar movies but they've really screwed up film adaptations of books. And don't even get me started on the biopics. They'd have Wendy Williams playing Aretha Franklin. Lol.
