The Blues Club scene

Was just thinking about the famous blues club scene today and I went and checked it out on Youtube. I believe it's probably one of the most realistic movie depictions of spontaneous (as far as the story goes) performing there is. The scene is very believable, unlike Hollywood clichés like when the quiet kid all of a sudden can belt it out like Sinatra or a group of musicians just thrown together have the cohesion of Genesis or Rush.

Chris and the kids start out nervous but get into it. Notice Chris completely misses the first "She got the _______" cue that Albert Collins throws at her. She smiles as she gets it the second time. The kids manage to get their lines in with very believable rhymes for their age "Brenda's probably dead......we should be in bed" as they get more comfortable.

Also check out Chris and Collins as they do the chorus together the 3rd time. She's enjoying herself but still not quite there as they are not yet in synch. The viewer gets the idea that top-notch high school student Chris is probably in the show choir at school and knows a bit about singing. Great acting by Shue in this scene, one of those joyous movie scenes you can just watch again and again.



Great scene and funny but there is nothing believable about being held hostage by blues singers until you sing.


I didn't say the set up was funny, yeah it's kind of silly, but the naturalistic performance is believable and excellently done.


Yeah, I agree.


yeah I doubt he got those mafia car thief guys to sing


Would of been interesting to find out.


The most famous scene of the movie.
