Allright for boys?

I'm guy and I liked this. I'm not gay or anything and I don't care for any of the toys. But I have to say for a children's movie this was good. I liked seeing the cute little ponies being chased by the smooze and I also liked that song the witches sang about being evil at the beginning of the movie. My favorite part of course was the shadow forest where the trees were throwing daggers. Anyhow I thought this was good enough to enjoy.


It's completely fine for boys to like this film.

I'm a 23 year old straight male and I love this film to death! It holds a lot of nostalgia for when I watched this as a kid and I don't find it odd at all that I still love it.


I don't see why not. Nothing to do with boy/girl, or gay/straight. It's just FUNNY. The witches are hysterically funny, and the voice work is stellar (Cloris Leachman, Rhea Perlamn and Madeline Kahn). Catchy songs, and colorful ponies with cutie marks. What's not to like?

Used to watch it all the time with my brother and sister as kids. Just watched it again the other day with my nephew and his parents. Loads of laughs to be had. The scene where Reeka and Draggle have to get the phloem still cracks me up good. Trust me, this film is NOT going to ruin your kid, nor will Rainbow Brite and the Care Bears.



I'd say it is. I'm 20 and like it.


I grew up on the 1984 series. I was hooked by "Escape From Midnight Castle". Tirek/Tirac was gloriously evil, everything a fantasy villain should be.

By the time this movie aired, the series had degenerated utterly to every trope 'little girls shows' are lampooned over. And this put the final nail in the coffin for me.

Even the feeble Care Bears movies had better villains.

The witches and the Smooze were about as threatening as soaked kittens. The most terrifying thing about them was that ear-bleed 'Nothing Can Stop the Smooze'.

And of course neither touches the greatest of all movies about magical equines: "The Last Unicorn". I suggest aiming for THAT level next time.


I know a lot of early proto bronies liked this, but for the teenage Megan...i.e.., there were 13....
