MovieChat Forums > Lucas (1986) Discussion > The message in this story is pretty *bee...

The message in this story is pretty *beep* up!

The message in this story is pretty messed up. And it even tries to make you believe it has a happy ending. Hell no! The ending is depressing. Allow me to explain.

On the surface, we have a movie about a boy who never fit in, but at the end of the movie he's made a couple new friends and has been awarded his very own football jersey and even gets a round of applause from his school mates. YAAAAEEE! Sounds like a good story right. *beep* No! I'll break it down for you how messed up the whole message in this movie is.

Here we have Lucas. Clearly his life sucks thus far. Gets picked on in school, lives in a crappy home, no mother around, drunk father, and almost no friends. Worst part is, he has to be around rich people all day. People who have great lives - people in happy families, happy homes, happy relationships, and plenty of friends. So, not only does Lucas have to live his crappy life, he has to have other people's great lives shoved in his face. But, that's fine, sometimes, that's just how life is. But, one day, finally, FINALLY, life throws Lucas a bone. A pretty girl comes around that likes him and accepts for who he is. Are things finally getting better for him? Is this his chance to finally be happy? Noooooooo!! Johnny football star wants what he has. That's right, rich boy Cappie, who already has a great life, lots of friends, and a girlfriend, wants what could have been Lucas' girlfriend. Forget the fact that he already has a girlfriend. Forget the fact that since he's Mr. Popular who can have any girl at the school he wants, NOPE, not good enough. He wants to take away from Lucas the only good thing that's ever happened to him. And here's the funny part........ THE MOVIE MAKES HIM OUT TO BE THE GOOD GUY!!!

Oh, and it gets better. See, it's not like Cappie just "took" Maggie from Lucas. Maggie went to him. After agreeing with Lucas about how some people can be such jerks and superficial, she then goes and hangs out with those same people. The guys who were making fun of Lucas at the movies, a couple scenes later she's hanging out with those guys in the cafeteria while they are squeezing oranges with their arms. (fun activity btw). Yep, shes laughing along with them during lunch even after she witnessed first hand how they treated him at the theater. She's that same type of girl who goes around dating *beep* that treat them like dirt, all the while turning down nice guys, but then complains about how there's no good guys out there. And in the long run, who would end up treating her better? Lucas or Cappie? Well, just from Cappie's record from this movie, he clearly has no problem kicking a girl to the curb when something better comes along. How soon til he does that to Maggie?

And it gets worse. You see, strangely, through all the crap Lucas has had to put up with in life, he's always managed to keep a positive attitude and outlook on life. That's how it should be right? That's what we're taught. Stay positive and work hard in life and things will work out for you. NOPE! Cause in the end, does anything change for the better for Lucas? Let's see. Still lives in a crappy home, still has a drunk father, still no Mom, still no girlfriend - - - - but hey, it's okay even though life pissed on you and took the only girl in life that you had a chance with and gave her to a rich kid who has everything, you should be happy Lucas cause here.......... HERE'S A SHIRT!!! Yes, a shirt. At the end of the movie, Lucas gets a SHIRT!! YYYYAAAAAAAAA! Oh, and some of the school kids clap for him. YES!!! Well, that sure makes up for a long miserable life of hell that seems to have to light at the end of the tunnel. A shirt!! Happy Ending indeed!!!

Moral of the story? Positive attitudes and outlooks on life get you a shirt. Being born rich and selfish gets you whatever you want. And the ending is telling you that you should be happy with that. Even though your life sucks no matter how hard you work it will always suck, just keep trying and maybe one day the rich kids will give you a penny or two. And when they do, you damn well better be happy about it!

If you really want to analyze this movie you can always say that Cappie is big government, Lucas is the "people", and Maggie is the life that we all work to get. No matter how hard the people work for it, if the government wants it, it's going to take it for themselves. Or maybe not, I don't know.


How can you say that all he got out of it was a shirt? You talk about how he's always the odd man out, well the shirt and the slow clap signify that he's finally being accepted for who he is. The same bullies that tormented him are showing respect. How is that not a happy ending? Most outcasts will never experience anything like that in their high school days. He's obviously a smart, ambitious kid that will find his way out of the trailer park, but now he doesn't have to worry about school being a source of pain and misery.


There's a few 80s coming-of-age films that pretty much treat the geek of the crowd in the same fashion, this is just a film that focuses on that character a bit more than most. Look at The Breakfast Club; in the end the prom queen ends up with the bad boy that she couldn't stand the sight of 8 hours earlier, the jock ends up with the goth girl and the geek is left to having to be satisfied that he's the smart one regardless of the fact that they pretty much kicked him to the curb. Pretty in Pink also leaves the geek without the girl that he stands by and defends without any conditions. Granted, he fairs much better in the end but he still got robbed. Even Lucas isn't left high and dry...

Maybe the point is that life isn't fair and that being a nice guy doesn't go a long way in the real world. It's a harsh concept but people have to learn it at some point. I guess this is as good as any other.

On the other hand, to be fair to everyone involved... Lucas kind of wedge himself into situations that most people know they don't belong. It sucks that Maggie went the way that she did but it should have been clear to him that her ship had sailed and he was left on the dock. Despite this he continues to pursue her in the worst way possible, getting into a sport that he clearly has no ability to play. Sure, it shows that he has a lot of heart but beyond that it's just a sad cry of desperation. Not to mention the number of lies he puts out there to make up for his shortcomings. He's just in a bad situation that he goes out of his way to try to salvage and ends up making it worse.

So he does get a bit more out of this in the end than just the letterman's jacket. He gets treated pretty well considering some of his bad decisions and he comes to accept that just because he likes a girl doesn't mean she is obligated to accept him. I'd say that since it's insinuated that he ends up dating Wynona Ryder that he's better off than he was when the movie started all around.


I agree that this film is depressing and even though it has a "happy" ending it isn't enough to overcome the rest of the movie being SO sad.

What I don't agree with is the comments about Maggie and how she could have been Lucas's girlfriend and how he had a shot with her. He absolutely never had a chance with her as anything more than a friend. That was pretty clear so I'm not sure why or how anyone could have had a different impression.

Second thing I kinda disagree with is that he doesn't have a girlfriend in the end. Sure, that's true but it seems clearly implied that he will probably wind up dating the nerdy girl who is clearly in love with him. I know it is not shown but I'm pretty sure that is what is supposed to be hinted at.

"It's Minnie Pearl's murder weapon."


Indeed they could have dated. If she wasn't interested in him, she'd just ignore him when they first met. It was her who pushed the friendship. Also, she was interested on the bugs he presented to her, the places he took her.

His error was to be too slow. He can't push a date, but also he can't create a friendship relationship. He must always show clear that he's interested in her as girlfriend, while he does things to attact her interest in him.

She was already interested. If he'd manage to successifully secude her, well it wouldn't be hard for them to have privacy and flirt.

About Winona, her character was just a message. It's saying that when we are rejected by the person we love, we may look around for somebody that's in love on us. Of course that's hardly the case, and when it is she won't be Winona!


Also, all of a sudden he said to Charlie that he was gonna dance with her. He told it to people before asking her. For him, she liked him enough that he thought it was certain they'd date.

Of course that was done as a way so that he'd lose her forever by that mistake.


Blind puppy love opened Lucas' eyes to the world around him and encouraged him not to be such a pushover. In the end he earned the respect of his tormentors and had Winona Ryder as plan B. Dude was ahead of the game really.

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


Well said. I thought the movie’s ending was satisfying because it didn’t go for the easy happy ending but was realistic. Lucas seemed to think that he was owed Maggie’s love, which was an immature attitude he needed to get past.


lol I agree with you.

Not in the sad way you see things, but for sure some decision made on the movie were very bad. In the end when I see him earn that shirt, I thought that if it was me I'd just leave it there and go away.

But let's face it on the POV of movie makers. Regardless of what Lucas says, he indeed likes north american futibol. He'd not do all that just because he was bumped by the most beautiful girl in school. The shirt is just a symbol, that everybody on school accepted him, they like him now, he after all wanted to be liked by everybody and "worked hard" for it and he earned it. The shirt is a gift from them, as saying that they want him on the team and won't laugh on him.

The message of the movie is that you can be strange to people and weak, but don't get down and give up. Just keep trying, get to do things people like, and they will like you.

Well they wanted to make a movie showing how life is tough, how some people don't support it and suicide, and that we shouldn't live expecting it to get better because it will probably not. But still the movie must end and they didn't wanna end it either having Lucas succeeding neither with a bad feeling. This is what they manage to imagine.

Also, they wanted to show that instead of being sad because the pretty readhead smiling girl doesn't like you... look around. You won't find a Winona Ryder, but maybe a fat wanting girl who also doesn't like you will accept date you because the big strong guy is busy dispending a blond girl to date the redhead one.



Lucas was looking for acceptance. That's the whole point of the movie, isn't it? At the end in the game he puts in the effort, puts himself out there in harms way and people accept and respect him for it. This is a basic rule in life - you try. Lucas tried, and that's why we and his peers liked him. I thought it was a great message. No matter who you are or where you come from, you put yourself out there and try your best.

This movie had the same message as that treasured assfest Rudy, but Lucas did it better.

Death by stereo


If you think I'm reading this whole thing, you're crazy.


Or here's how his life could've turned out:

- End of movie signals beginning-of-the-end of Lucas' "awkward" phase.
- Legally emancipates from deadbeat dad and moves into guesthouse of rich gardening client, who mentors the young, intelligent lad.
- Soon becomes upper-classman and a heart-throb to the ladies (Corey Haim, people!).
- Attends Stanford on need-based scholarship; majors in zoology.
- Marries Wynona Ryder character who is also at Stanford studying music.
- Becomes a doctor and moves into one of the houses he used to garden.
- Has four awesome kids; sometimes the family attends 49er's games to watch the Charlie Sheen character play football (he sends tickets to the Bly family whenever he can).

