Good but too one sided

Allies killed tons of women and children in German cities. When the Russians entered Berlin they went on an orgy of rape and murder. So don't think the Russians were the good righteous ones. And Stalin ended up killing 50 million Russians so he was a far worse enemy to his own people than Hitler was. This film was very good, but too nationalistic only giving really one side. Both sides did atrocities.

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But, at the given historical moment depicted, they were the Nazis who invaded an other people's soil, and slaughtered and tortured that other people. Why shouldn't Klimov speak out about it? It was his land, and his people.

Listen to your enemy, for God is talking


That's a pointless criticism. What's wrong with being one-sided? This isn't a documentary, and it's already torturously long without trying to fit in even more just for the sake of political correctness.


It's not pointless and other movies have balanced both sides.

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It was good to condemn the Nazis, but look what the Soviets were already starting to do to their own people.

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That's the different movie.

Listen to your enemy, for God is talking


This post is idiotic...Stalin worse than Hitler for the Russians? Dude, I've to inform you that Hitler wanted to EXTERMINATE all russians, like he wanted to exterminate all jews. Stalin may have killed milions (not 50, that's a number you made up, for the simple reason that he would have killed one fourth of the total soviet population before WWWII) but he didn't do to Germany what Hitler wanted to do to SU. Having said that, this isn't a nationalistic movie, but a psychological horror on WWII based on real events, it's not propaganda for Mother Russia, or Communism, or anything like a matter of fact the Soviet Government and the Red Army is totally absent, somebody could say that the movie is a veiled criticism against a government who left its citizens to their destiny and wasn't unable to defend them.

Juliet Parrish: You can't win a war if you're extinct!


Your response is idiotic. I did not make up the figure of 50 million, it is supported by esteemed historians who are experts in Soviet history. Stop being in denial.

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If there's an idiot here that's you: SU in the 30s had a population of 160 milions, you come here to say that 50 milions were killed by Stalin? Where are your esteemed historians? Do they realise that their numbers make not sense? Since you evidently don't know what you're talking about, I suggest to read this wikipedia page (unless you believe that Wikipedia is a stalinist institution):

Official death toll:680.000 Estimated: 1.200.000

The other disaster Stalin created as the Great Famine of 1932:

This was the result of the extermination of the Kulaki...let's say it's 6 milions. And here there's the census of 1937:ù

That showed that 8 milions were missing.

So, go to study history and stop being a moron.

Juliet Parrish: You can't win a war if you're extinct!


Lol, since when is Wikipedia an adequate source? You must be proud of yourself.


Grammar correction - and wasn't ABLE to defend them.


Battle for the 2011's Most Moronic Comment Award rages on...


///micpl: Battle for the 2011's Most Moronic Comment Award rages on... ///

My friendly advice to you: don't overestimate your own capabilities. Be on a safe side. The Humility is a sign of wisdom.

Listen to your enemy, for God is talking


Sorry sir but your post is nothing but pure imbecilic trolling.

And what was this film supposed to do to "balance the act"? Cutting to a scene in Berlin two years later to show the Russians just doing the same?
The film stuck to the place and the events it was meant to portray brilliantly and does not even remotely manipulate the viewer in glorifying the Russian resistance which is more than you can say about the 99.99999999999999999999999999% of American films when portraying their side of the war.

And Stalin ended up killing 50 million Russians

That is another big pile of crap, seriously, where do you guys get your hystorical facts from, Christmas crackers?
The people who died in the gulags under Stalin's rule did not realistically exceed the 3 millions figure, that does not make him any less of a bastard but, seriously, what the *beep*


Hey troll it's funny when you accuse others of trolling. I was responding to utter nonsense and I did so with facts anyone can verify. Yes it was 50 million, possibly even more. Go do some research you babbling fool. I doubt you will though since you're a pathetic small minded troll.

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If those are "facts anyone can verify" what does it cost you to give me a source then, anything please? Or you just work on "word of mouth", if that is your idea of research?
You put out the figures first so you put the evidence to back it up if you want a serious reply.

You were answering nobody as far as I'm concerned, you are infact the one who put the topic up in the first place, suit your style.


Netrek you're pathethic :)



Nobody is the 'good guy', but Soviet Union had a 'no invasion' treaty with Hitler, who suddenly and brutally invaded may miles into Soviet territory and laid seige to cities where people had to eat rats and each other to survive. I call what the Russians did in Berlin 'payback'.


So what about what Russia did to Finland then ?, they invaded the same early on and got there arses handed to them, id say russia also helped boot of the brits and defeat france through there help in the invasion of poland thus clearing the decks for germany to turn there strength on them, and its there own thought they had no one to help them early on, they also ignored warnings of the invasion from the allies


Well maybe you should go and make a movie about that "other side" yourself, then. Kind of hard to work the fall of Berlin into a story of a Belarus village boy.

And besides, did you miss the scene where partisans killed the rounded up German POW´s, thereby essentially (albeit sort of understandably) sinking onto the level of Nazis?

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Anyone who thinks Stalin was blameless compared to Hitler needs to get their facts straight; my ancestors were Ukranian Jews and they honestly thought their luck had changed for the better when the Germans turned up in 1941 after twenty years of Russian occupation.


Sadly, History proved them wrong...


What,this movie doesn't show how great the nazi regime was? You know,the trains ran on time and the use of christian infant blood used to make mahtzah dropped to nil. What a rip!



///It wasn't Nazi Germany wanting to take over the world///You ever wonder who own the globalist private banks /// They're the ones who won the war and benefited from the deaths of many.///

blah blah blah

have a guts and say straight what exactly do you mean

Listen to your enemy, for God is talking



///Not that every Jew is a usurer and nation-wrecker of course.///

You're very kind.

Now, as much as I understood, in order to "resist" the "private federal reserve bank", or whatever you say, you have to ravage and plunder all Europe, executing millions of civilians for being not only Jews but Poles, Gypsies, Russians? Making soap and fertilizers of the murdered human beings? Lampshades of human skin? "Experimenting" on children? Vandalizing artistic, spiritual and cultural treasures of other peoples? Designing to turn all Eastern Europe into slavery?

Well, it doesn't look like you're capable to grasp, so stay in your dreamworld full of nightmares ("perpetual debt", "globalist private banks", "banking oligarchs"), or better seek some professional help.

Listen to your enemy, for God is talking



50 million people my ass, what a load of *beep* Stalin didn't kill that many people.


Well, it's a common statement that all Nazi apologists (like our honourable opponent) use as a last argument.

Listen to your enemy, for God is talking


Where did you get the number 50 million? That plus the 25 million killed by the Nazis would mean that 75 million Soviets were killed in the Stalin Era. The Soviet Union had a population of nearly 200 million in 1941, so you are saying that the Soviet government killed nearly one quarter of its population which is completely ridiculous. The the Soviet Government killed that many people, how did the Soviet population go from 148 million in 1926 to 168 million in 1939. The U.S. population went from 106 million in 1920 to 132 million in 1940 about the same as the Soviet Growth rate.


50 million is from Lenin to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

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Between the 1911 Russian Census and 1991 what was once the Russian Empire gained about 130 million people. The U.S. gained about 140 million people in that same period. The Soviet Union lost 25 million people during World War II. The high casualties during the Russian Civil War can not be blamed entirely on the Communists nor the deaths from the postwar famine.

