MovieChat Forums > Howard the Duck (1986) Discussion > Never understood the hate..

Never understood the hate..

I mean okay, everyone has an opinion. But nothing out there has made me change my mind of how awesome i think this film is.

Not one person has convinced me. I'm trying sooooo hard to be convinced, i just want to see WHY there is no love for this, but i can't.

Maybe i'm strange who knows. But it just seems a lot of critic just jumped on a bandwagon and made up some random hate for this film.

I'm not going to go on forever about how much i think this film rocks because i'd be here all night, but i can't see past that.

Now i love all the greats, Godfather, Shawshank, Pulp Fiction etc.. but still LOVE this.. maybe i'm more open minded about film choice than most of these so called professional critics who write anything it seems and collect the cheques.

Now Mr Lucas.. i've NEVER seen your Star Wars films and most likely never will but you sir, are a hero of mine for this movie alone. I salute you.


Thanks man, I watched the movie when I was 12 or something and loved it. It was a bit scary and weird, but somehow rather interesting and you felt relieved once the evil alien has been beaten.

It's a rather unique film, that might not be the most comfortable for ppl to watch. But it's far from bad. I reckon it also depends on your age and at what century you watched it.

If I watched it again now, I would probably see it different as adult and not like it as much with its nowadays outdated effects.


My favorite movie, George Lucas should not hide from something many of us love like he did once T_T

START THE REVOLUTION! SHRED THE GOVERNMENT! My favorite movie is V for Vendetta.


Me neither. It's a fun, entertaining and cheesy 80's film, that manages to have a little bit of creep factor (due to the Overlords subplot), and most of the lines delivered by Howard are comedic gold. For a long time, I thought I was alone in liking this film, but then came on here and saw others did as well, so thankfully I wasn't alone. I personally rate it an 8/10 :)

"Speak of the Devil, and He shall appear."




Liking something bad in some hipsterish way, fine.

Not understanding why most people think this is awful makes you need a helmet to check the mail.



Is not a bad movie, but it was a movie to watch 'as a kid' in the 80s. A totally diferent generation and culture.
For some people (including myself) its even a cult classic movie from our childhood.


George Lucas purchased the rights to the character because he liked the hard-edged satire of Steve Gerber’s comic book. He then recruited his old chums Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz to write the script. Together, the three of them then proceeded to remove all the hard edges from Gerber’s creation. The Howard of the movie was a lot closer to Donald Duck than the character he was based on.

Worse still, Howard the Duck makes the mistake of thinking that special effects are all that matters. Instead of focusing on characters and satire, the movie gets bogged down in some incomprehensible plot about a Dark Overlord from another dimension. In writing the script, Huyck and Katz completely lost the thread of what the comic book was about.


The movie starts off pretty amusing, with plenty of fun 80's stuff, but the more it goes on the more boring it gets.


As a kid from the 80s, I felt this was one fun little flick. I liked it. It's funny, has a cool soundtrack, Lea Thompson is cute as hell, and Howard is a really likable character. People in this generation don't like stuff that isn't C.G. I have yet to have really have my socks blown off by the stuff today. It's so lazy. Yeah, just draw something up on a computer, and boom! I'm far more impressed by the plant in Little Shop of Horrors, the warewolf transformation in American Warewolf in London, and yes, even the Dark Overlord.
