Best soundtrack ever?

If not, it's gotta be up there. And I'm not even a huge Queen fan. They were a solid rock band, but the songs in this movie kicked some serious ass.


Heck yaπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


I don't think so. I mean, it's ok, especially if you're a Queen fan, but I wouldn't go near to calling it the best ever.
I actually laughed with a friend every time a Queen song came on. Again and again... oh look, another song is starting...aaand it's Queen again. I bet director's bedroom must have Queen posters plastered all over the wall - we both agreed.

But on a serious note, what makes a good soundtrack for me is when any given scene's atmosphere or emotion is highlighted by matching theme, bonus points if it accomplishes that without words. Good examples are Terminator 1 and 2, Conan the Barbarian, Blade Runner, Rocky, and Sergio Leone's dollars trilogy . Also, one director that often does a very good job at choosing appropriate soundtrack for his movies is Tarantino, even though most of his soundtracks aren't original.

My problem with Highlander is that it doesn't really strike you on a deeper level emotionally, it's cool, but kind of random.

Here's some examples of scenes in other movies greatly improved by soundtrack:


"I actually laughed with a friend every time a Queen song came on. Again and again... oh look, another song is starting...aaand it's Queen again. I bet director's bedroom must have Queen posters plastered all over the wall - we both agreed"

Well to be fair to the director, it's not like they just picked a bunch of Queen songs that they liked and stuck them on the soundtrack. They actually commissioned Queen to come up with a concept album based on the movie and made that the soundtrack. It's hard to imagine the movie without it.


Who wants to live forever, a beautiful song.
