MovieChat Forums > The Dirt Bike Kid (1985) Discussion > The Infamous 'Disney Channel' Cut

The Infamous 'Disney Channel' Cut

I saw this mentioned in a post regarding a possible sequel to the film.

In the late 90s, The Dirt Bike Kid enjoyed a few airings on The Disney Channel (before it went completely Lizzie/Hanna/Raven/Zach & Cody). I managed to catch it a few times right in the middle and what made me smile was that I noticed a lot of added footage! I can only remember a few short scenes but if anyone else can remember what else was included, please post it here! Also if anyone owns a copy of it on VHS, would it be possible to request a copy?

Here are the scenes I can recall...

'Jack and the girls in the park'

After the scene of Jack and Mike celebrating their "victory" of getting Mr. Hodgkins to stop the demolition of Mike's Doghouse, there's a scene showing Jack at a park with the two girls who eventually end up with Bo at the end of the film.

Max then rides up on his/Jack's bike.

Jack says, "Who invited you?!"

Max then says some smart-aleck remark about how Jack contributed to Mr. Hodgkins going ahead with his demolition plans. Jack asks what he's talking about and Max responds by telling Jack that he saw Mr. Hodgkins' construction crew at the site of Mike's Doghouse. Jack then runs over to his dirt bike and rides off. Max then attempts to flirt, unsucessfully, with the two girls who then leave.

'Jack and Bo break in'

After Jack helps pull his friend Bo up into their school window, there's a small scene of them walking inside looking for their computer lab.

'Hodgkins laughs it up more'

In the scene where Chief Galt tells Hodkins that they've obtained the dirt bike and it won't be bothering him anymore, Hodgkins makes a bank pun/joke with him.

In a brief extra clip following this, the chief smiles as he hangs up the phone then we see Hodgkins continuing to laugh in the back of his limo and telling his driver to "Just keep going."

'Max's new job'

After Jack's Mom congratulates Mike and Ms. Clavell about their upcoming baby, there's an extra scene of Ms. Clavell calling out for Max in the back of the kitchen who then walks out with a gloomy expression on his face while wearing a busboy's uniform.

That's all I got for now! Looking forward to more memories from others!

"How can I move when you've stopped the music?"-me.


Well I never saw it on th disney chanel, but one time surfing the net it said that it was on the disney channel in 2005 and I was like dang I missed it I could have taped it.

You're taking a chance risking it all for the thrill of the moment Taking a stand you ain't gonna f


I wish someone would post the deleted scenes on YouTube, on the deleted scene when Mike and Ms Clavell were talking about their upcoming baby didn't somebody mention that Max has redeemed himself?


I may have a copy of the disney version I will check and get back to you.


Thank you, it's been approximately 20 years since I last saw the Disney Channel version of the film and would love to see it again, I first discovered this movie on KSTW 11 (Tacoma, WA based channel) back in 1993.
