MovieChat Forums > The Real Ghost Busters (1986) Discussion > What are your favorite quotes from this.

What are your favorite quotes from this.

After Ray brags to Egon's Uncle Cyrus about all the ghosts he caught Peter saying in a bored voice, "Yes. We're all very excited, Ray."
Also my favorite time Peter got mad at Slimer, "Sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmerrrrrrrrrrrrrr! What have you done to my bed!"

Egon: Do you know how to set your proton pack on Explosive Overload?
Egon: Well I do.

Winston: I'm worried about Peter. He seems, kind of down.
Egon: That's the natural result of leading an unexamined life.


Sandy Van Sanders: "What do you call these things"
Peter: "I call them only slightly less irritating than YOU!"

Winston: "WBOO The Big Boo is off the air"
