MovieChat Forums > The Real Ghost Busters (1986) Discussion > Who was your favorite Ghostbuster?

Who was your favorite Ghostbuster?

Mine is Peter, I love his wit and his wisecracks


Egon. He was the most interesting character in the show and most of the interesting things happened to him. Peter is second, but I really hated when Dave Coulier came on board and his character really changed in actions as well. He became all buddy buddy with Slimer and such.


Egon. He was the most interesting character in the show and most of the interesting things happened to him. Peter is second, but I really hated when Dave Coulier came on board and his character really changed in actions as well. He became all buddy buddy with Slimer and such.

I also did not like Dave Coulier as Peter Venkman either, I can't bear to watch the episodes with Dave Coulier as the voice of Peter, I always felt Peter was a much funnier and more likable character when Lorenzo Music was the voice

I also find Egon to be the glue that stuck the team together and felt that his genius and creativity turned out to be beneficial for the team during the toughest situations they've encountered.


When I was a kid it would've been Peter. But now as an adult I like everyone else more. When you really think about it, Peter doesn't contribute much to the team. Egon and Ray maintain the proton packs and the containment unit. Winston often helps with the car and maintaining it along with Ray. Peter is I guess the spokesperosn though I feel Winston could do that just as well. There is an episode of this show where Peter creates a device to save the guys after they get swallowed by a sea Monster but most of the time he doesn't really do much except provide humor for the show. Which isn't a bad thing but still. I feel like he could be gotten rid of/die and they could easily replace him with someone else and be okay.

Green Goblin is great!



Egon but all together they were the best.


Overall, Peter Venkman...

On this show? As a kid, I remember it being Peter up until Coulier took over for Lorenzo Music. But for the most part, it was probably Egon.


Definitely not Winston - pretty bland.

My heart tells me that, despite any faults throughout the show, Peter.

Same goes for the movies.

And everyone saying Peter didn't do anything weren't paying attention. He's get involved several times and often shows initiative, for starters.



My fav character was Janine (until she changed) and my fav Ghostbuster was Egon. So of course Extreme Ghostbusters is a winner for those two being in it.


I also loved the original version of Janine, she was so badass and I was happy to see there were a few episodes where she gets a good sized role like "Janine's Day Off" and "Janine Melnitz, Ghostbuster", I've always liked seeing Janine having a good size role in the cartoons


Ray. I relate to him the most.


Like csweetleaf2 Peter is my fav. But I also love Ray becuase he's just like a big kid in a candy store when it comes to ghosts and.....Egon.....becuase ....he's Egon


Peter was my favorite up until Dave Couiler took over as his voice. Then Egon became my favorite.



The later seasons are hard to watch because I don't like Dave Coulier as the voice of Peter Venkman.


There's worse problems with the later seasons of the show than just Dave Coullier. They made Slimer the main character of the show starting in season 3 and then made it so none of the Ghostbusters could ever get mad at him. It's funny. But even when I was a kid I didn't like Slimer that much. In fact, some of my favorite episodes from the first 2 seasons didn't even have Slimer in them at all. Like Drool the Dogfaced Goblin and Ghostbusters of the year. Other favorite episodes of mine barely even had him in them. Like The Boogy Man Commeth, Mr. Sand Man dream me a Dream, Night Game, Lost and Foundry, and Bird of Kildarby. When the show became all about Slimer I hated it.

But I hated all the changes that came after season 2. Making Janine nice all the time was dumb. All that happened though because these stupid network executives didn't like the way the show was and hired these idiots who probably hadn't even watched the first 2 seasons to "fix the show." It caused the best writer on the show J. Michael Straczynski to leave cause he hated all the stupid changes they were making him do to the show. I unfortunately own the whole series because years ago when I wanted to buy the rest of the Season 2 episodes on DVD I couldn't do it without buying the whole series on DVD because Volume 3 wasn't available on DVD at the time. But I am still glad I did it cause it's the only way to really watch the best episodes of the show.


I also didn't like seeing Slimer be the main character starting with Slimer & The Real Ghostbusters at all along with them changing Janine's personality, I liked it when she had sass and an attitude, I also hated them changing Janine's appearance throughout the series, to me the only Janine I liked was from the first two seasons.

Other episodes I liked that didn't have Slimer are "The Devil To Pay" and "Collect Call of the Cathulu", I only liked Slimer being a small character.

I have the first 60 episodes of the Real Ghostbusters in one package and would like to get episodes 61-78.


You might be able to find Volume 3 now. My copy of Volume 1 came that in a box set was stolen by a woman who I loaned it to. Thing is she lived next to me in my apartment complex and decided to move with it and a few other movies I loaned her. But my mom was able to order me a new copy for Christmas of 2011 that was of the same hard texture as the actual case of the box set. She said she got them from
