Wooden acting

Mickey Rourke acting great in this movie (close to ANGEL HEART) but I was distracted by the wooden acting of Ariane & also Caroline Kava - they just seemed to so wooden compared to Rourke. Anyone else find this? Also my copy of the movie 1080p but no subtitles was a bit frustrating in the Mandarin scenes. Also reminded me of Blade Runner in places.


Yes the Chinese female reporter and his wife were terrible!! What may I ask is wooden acting, I've heard that term thrown around before..


I don’t agree, their acting was good enough.


I've always hated the description "wooden" acting. I'm sure it's supposed to suggest that the character lacked emotional emphasis. However....who's to say that isn't just their personality?? I know plenty of people in real life who could I suppose be described as..."wooden". They don't over-emote, and are generally just on one even keel. There ARE people like that....so it's certainly possible for a character in a movie to simply have that kind of personality. Heck, maybe they were even DIRECTED to be that way. Calling a performance "wooden" is just lazy and cliche.
