Donna Dixon...

...was so freaking hot in this. Man I can't stand it every time I watch this movie she just blows me away. Plus she has that breathy bedroom voice. Man I love her.


Have you checked her page in IMDB? Dude, she married AYKROYD! How funny is that, she was Dan's wife but Chevy was fondling her boobs in the movie - I wonder how many takes it took to shoot that scene ;). Share and share alike I guess!

If you like Donna and haven't seen the movie Speed Zone!, I highly recommend it - she's even hotter in that movie. Speed Zone! is Cannonball Run III, and requires no brainpower whatsoever to watch.

I *liked* Lucky Stiff. She wasn't as hot in that one as the other two, but it's a funny, brainless movie.




Thats Vanessa Angel. She has been in heaps of stuff.



She was very pretty in this. Beautiful eyes. And we know Garth Algar agrees.
