The drunk scene.

One thing that puzzles me a bit is that when Anne pulls the bottle off the shelf she reads the label and so does Diana before drinking it, so how do they both think it is raspberry cordial? When Marilla returns she looks at the label sniffs the bottle and says "This is current wine can't you tell the difference?"


It's been ages since I watched it, but wasn't the label incorrect, and the bottle had been used for something else (i.e. the wine) after the original content was spent? And Marilla told the difference by sniffing only? (Didn't Anne have a cold as well, so that she couldn't smell, or do I remember that from another of her incidents?)

"The best fairytale is one where you believe the people" -Irvin Kershner


In both versions I've seen Anne didn't have a cold or sniff the bottle, I can only assume that Marilla had re used the bottle without changing the label and didn't warn Anne.


Yep. In the book, Marilla puts her wine in the cordial bottle. Either the original bottle had broken, or that was just the bottle she used when she made it (I don't remember). Marilla was ALWAYS doing this in the books. Anne also made a cake for the minister's wife and put linament in it because Marilla had broken the bottle and put what was left in a vanilla bottle, that Anne unknowingly used in the cake. Then, in Anne of Avonlea, a similar mistake was made with a red fabric die and skin cream that Anne used.

They really should have had a system of marking any jar or bottle that was being used for another purpose. It would have saved a lot of grief.


Wouldn't Anne know the difference from linament and vanilla by smell?


It's explained in the book that she had a head cold, and so couldn't smell anything.
