William Shatner

William Shatner often takes criticism for his acting, but I think he’s actually quite good in most things. The problem people seem to have is separating his iconic Captain Kirk from other roles. Yes, there are always touches of Kirk, but that’s true of any actor. Their own mannerisms are part of most any role. Watch Kelsey Grammer and you’re likely to see a little bit of Frasier, whether it be a certain hand motion, or a head turn.

Watching Mr. Shatner in The Playground, I realized he never hits a false note. The torment he carries is palpable, and watching him change to his son Steve was very well done. It’s an excellent episode, and Shatner’s acting carries it.


funny that you mention The Playground which I just started watching it earlier tonight. That episode and pretty much the 1980s Ray Bradbury show i havent seen since it used to be on USA Network back then.

plus i kind of remember another episode that involved some guy using a hot ironing board iron to burn off his tattoos or something
